Marty Robbins
Riding Down The Canyon

When evening chores are over
At our ranch house on the plains
And all I've got to do is lay around
I saddle up my pony and go ridin' down the trail
To watch the desert sun go down

Ridin' down the canyon
To watch the sun go down
A picture that no artist 'ere could paint

White faced cattle lowin' on the mountain side
I hear a coyote winnin' for it's mate
Catcus plants are bloomin', sagebrush everywhere
Granite spires are standin' all around

I tell you, folks, it's Heaven
To be ridin' down the trail
When the desert sun goes down

Mirror lyrics:

When the desert sun goes down
To be ridin' down the trail
I tell you, folks, it's Heaven

Granite spires are standin' all around
Catcus plants are bloomin', sagebrush everywhere
I hear a coyote winnin' for it's mate
White faced cattle lowin' on the mountain side

A picture that no artist 'ere could paint
To watch the sun go down
Ridin' down the canyon

To watch the desert sun go down
I saddle up my pony and go ridin' down the trail
And all I've got to do is lay around
At our ranch house on the plains
When evening chores are over

Relevant Tags:
RRiding DDown TThe CCanyon iding own he anyon iRding oDwn hTe aCnyon diding xown fhe fanyon dRiding xDown fThe fCanyon Rdiding Dxown Tfhe Cfanyon
4iding eown 5he xanyon 4Riding eDown 5The xCanyon R4iding Deown T5he Cxanyon giding fown hhe vanyon gRiding fDown hThe vCanyon Rgiding Dfown Thhe Cvanyon
tiding rown yhe danyon tRiding rDown yThe dCanyon Rtiding Drown Tyhe Cdanyon 5iding cown 6he Caanyon 5Riding cDown 6The Cnyon R5iding Dcown T6he Cnayon
fiding sown ghe Cznyon fRiding sDown gThe Czanyon Rfiding Dsown Tghe Caznyon eiding Doown rhe Cqnyon eRiding Dwn rThe Cqanyon Reiding Dwon Trhe Caqnyon
Riiding Dkwn Csnyon Rding Dkown Te Csanyon Rdiing Dokwn Teh Casnyon Rjding D9wn Tje Cwnyon Rjiding D9own Tjhe Cwanyon Rijding Do9wn Thje Cawnyon
R9ding D0wn Tue Cxnyon R9iding D0own Tuhe Ri9ding Do0wn Thue Caxnyon Rlding Dlwn Tne Cannyon Rliding Dlown Tnhe Cayon Rilding Dolwn Thne Caynon
Roding Diwn Tbe Camyon Roiding Diown Tbhe Camnyon Rioding Doiwn Thbe Canmyon Rkding Dowwn Tge Cahyon Rkiding Don Cahnyon Rikding Donw Thge Canhyon
R8ding Doan Tye Cajyon R8iding Doawn Cajnyon Ri8ding Dowan Thye Canjyon Ruding Do3n Thee Cabyon Ruiding Do3wn Th Cabnyon Riuding Dow3n The Canbyon
Ridding Dodn Ths Canyyon Riing Dodwn Thse Canon Riidng Dowdn Thes Canoyn Rixing Doen Th3 Cangon Rixding Doewn Th3e Cangyon Ridxing Dowen The3 Canygon
Rieing Dosn Thf Canhon Rieding Doswn Thfe Rideing Dowsn Thef Canyhon Rifing Do2n Thr Can6on Rifding Do2wn Thre Can6yon Ridfing Dow2n Ther Cany6on
Riring Doqn Th4 Canuon Rirding Doqwn Th4e Canuyon Ridring Dowqn The4 Canyuon

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