Marty Robbins
Nine Tenths Of The Law

You love him I know but I won't let you go
I just won't step out of the way
'Cause you're married to me and I won't set you free
Posession is nine-tenths of the law so they say

I'll keep you as long as I possibly can
You were mine before he came our way
I refuse to abide and I won't step aside
Posession is nine-tenths of the law so they say

Forgive me for bein' so selfish
But for me there is no other way
I just want to hold on to what's rightfully mine
Posession is nine-tenths of the law so they say

Forgive me for bein' so selfish
But for me there is no other way
I just want to hold on to what's rightfully mine
Posession is nine-tenths of the law so they say

Mirror lyrics:

Posession is nine-tenths of the law so they say
I just want to hold on to what's rightfully mine
But for me there is no other way
Forgive me for bein' so selfish

Posession is nine-tenths of the law so they say
I just want to hold on to what's rightfully mine
But for me there is no other way
Forgive me for bein' so selfish

Posession is nine-tenths of the law so they say
I refuse to abide and I won't step aside
You were mine before he came our way
I'll keep you as long as I possibly can

Posession is nine-tenths of the law so they say
'Cause you're married to me and I won't set you free
I just won't step out of the way
You love him I know but I won't let you go

Relevant Tags:
NNine TTenths OOf TThe LLaw ine enths f he aw iNne eTnths fO hTe aLw mine fenths kf fhe kaw mNine fTenths kOf fThe kLaw Nmine Tfenths Okf Tfhe Lkaw
hine 5enths 9f 5he oaw hNine 5Tenths 9Of 5The oLaw Nhine T5enths O9f T5he Loaw jine henths 0f hhe paw jNine hTenths 0Of hThe pLaw Njine Thenths O0f Thhe Lpaw
bine yenths lf yhe Laaw bNine yTenths lOf yThe Lw Nbine Tyenths Olf Tyhe Lwa Niine 6enths if 6he Lzw Nne 6Tenths iOf 6The Lzaw Nnie T6enths Oif T6he Lazw
Njne genths Off ghe Lqw gTenths O gThe Lqaw Nijne Tgenths Of Tghe Laqw N9ne renths Oc rhe Lsw N9ine rTenths Ocf rThe Lsaw Ni9ne Trenths Ofc Trhe Lasw
Nlne Teenths Or Lww Nline Tnths Orf Te Lwaw Nilne Tneths Ofr Teh Laww None Tsnths Og Tje Lxw Noine Tsenths Ogf Tjhe Lxaw Nione Tesnths Ofg Thje Laxw
Nkne T3nths Ot Tue Nkine T3enths Otf Tuhe La Nikne Te3nths Oft Thue Law N8ne Tfnths Ov Tne Laa N8ine Ovf Tnhe Ni8ne Tefnths Ofv Thne Lawa
Nune Trnths Od Tbe La3 Nuine Odf Tbhe La3w Niune Ternths Ofd Thbe Law3 Ninne T4nths Tge Lad Nie T4enths Ladw Nien Te4nths Thge Lawd
Nime Tdnths Tye Lae Nimne Tdenths Laew Ninme Tednths Thye Lawe Nihe Twnths Thee Las Nihne Twenths Th Ninhe Tewnths The Laws
Nije Tennths Ths La2 Teths Thse La2w Ninje Tetnhs Thes Law2 Nibe Temths Th3 Laq Nibne Temnths Th3e Ninbe Tenmths The3 Lawq
Ninee Tehths Thf Nin Tehnths Thfe Nine Tenhths Thef Nins Tejths Thr Ninse Tejnths Thre Nines Tenjths Ther
Nin3 Tebths Th4 Nin3e Tebnths Th4e

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