Marty Stuart
Sweet Love

Written by Del Shannon

Here I am standing with these teardrops in my eyes

Hoping maybe someday you will change

I heard that same ole story too many times before

You tell me that you love me then you turn around and run

I just want your sweet love

I can't stop coming around

You know that your sweet love

Someday it's going to tear me down, down, down, down, down, down, d-d-down

Here I am still waiting like the fool I've always been

Hoping maybe some day you will change

I try to give you all of my heart time after time

But you hang me out there like a puppet on a string

I just want your sweet love

I can't stop coming around

You know that your sweet love

Someday it's going to tear me down, down, down, down, down, down, d-d-down

Mirror lyrics:

Someday it's going to tear me down, down, down, down, down, down, d-d-down

You know that your sweet love

I can't stop coming around

I just want your sweet love

But you hang me out there like a puppet on a string

I try to give you all of my heart time after time

Hoping maybe some day you will change

Here I am still waiting like the fool I've always been

Someday it's going to tear me down, down, down, down, down, down, d-d-down

You know that your sweet love

I can't stop coming around

I just want your sweet love

You tell me that you love me then you turn around and run

I heard that same ole story too many times before

Hoping maybe someday you will change

Here I am standing with these teardrops in my eyes

Written by Del Shannon

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