Marty Stuart
Outro (spoken By Johnny Cash)

Excerpt from "Sir Galahad" written by Alfred Lord Tennyson

Then move the trees, the copses nod,

Wings flutter, voices hover clear.

"O just and faithful knight of God!

Ride on! The prize is near."

So pass I hostel, hall, and grange,

By bridge and ford, by park and pale,

All-arm'd I ride, whate'er betide

Until I find the holy Grail

.....said the lonesome pilgrim far from home

Mirror lyrics:

.....said the lonesome pilgrim far from home

Until I find the holy Grail

All-arm'd I ride, whate'er betide

By bridge and ford, by park and pale,

So pass I hostel, hall, and grange,

Ride on! The prize is near."

"O just and faithful knight of God!

Wings flutter, voices hover clear.

Then move the trees, the copses nod,

Excerpt from "Sir Galahad" written by Alfred Lord Tennyson

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OOutro ((spoken BBy JJohnny CCash) utro spoken y ohnny ash) uOtro s(poken yB oJhnny aCsh) kutro (sspoken vy kohnny fash) kOutro (poken vBy kJohnny fCash)
Okutro (psoken Bvy Jkohnny Cfash) 9utro (zpoken gy iohnny xash) 9Outro (zspoken gBy iJohnny xCash) O9utro (szpoken Bgy Jiohnny Cxash) 0utro (wpoken ny mohnny vash)
0Outro (wspoken nBy mJohnny vCash) O0utro (swpoken Bny Jmohnny Cvash) lutro (dpoken hy nohnny dash) lOutro (dspoken hBy nJohnny dCash) Olutro (sdpoken Bhy Jnohnny Cdash)
iutro (epoken Byy hohnny Caash) iOutro (espoken B hJohnny Csh) Oiutro (sepoken By Jhohnny Csah) Ouutro (xpoken Bg uohnny Czsh) Otro (xspoken uJohnny Czash)
Oturo (sxpoken Byg Juohnny Cazsh) Ohtro (apoken Bh Joohnny Cqsh) Ohutro (aspoken Jhnny Cqash) Ouhtro (sapoken Byh Jhonny Caqsh) O7tro (sppoken B6 Jkhnny Cssh)
O7utro (soken B6y Csash) Ou7tro (sopken By6 Jokhnny Cassh) Oktro (s0oken Bu J9hnny Cwsh) (s0poken Buy J9ohnny Cwash) Ouktro (sp0oken Byu Jo9hnny Cawsh)
Oitro (sloken B7 J0hnny Cxsh) (slpoken B7y J0ohnny Ouitro (sploken By7 Jo0hnny Caxsh) O8tro (sooken Bj Jlhnny O8utro (sopoken Bjy Jlohnny Cah)
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Oyutro (spkoken Jonny Ouytro (spokken Jonhny Caswh) Outtro (sp9ken Jojnny Cadh) Ouro (sp9oken Jojhnny Cadsh) Ourto (spo9ken Johjnny Casdh)
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Out5ro (spolken Johnnny Casxh) Ouhro (spiken Jobnny Caah)

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