Megan Slankard
Haven't Been Down

These walls are 'specially thin

I guess I paid for the room that I'm in

Hear the neighbors fight in the hall

Turn up this song 'til someone bangs on the wall

̢ہ"Hey! cut that out!
â€Â â€Å"hey! turn that down!â€Â

I said, ̢ہ"what's up?
how's it goin'? what's been happening my man? yo!â€Â

But what I really meant to say was just â€Å"helloâ€Â

I said, ̢ہ"things been good,
things been great, I've been having a good time!â€Â

When you asked me how I was

Actually I'm fine

I have not been down

I have not been down

The train goes by this complex

At a quarter to four and a quarter to six

I guess I'm just sluggish tonight

I slept through the rain, the alarm, and the neighbors' fights

I have not heard a sound

Either someone's out washing their car

Or I hope it isn't raining too hard

I've got a plastic plant in my room

They don't let you have real ones 'cause I guess they pollute

I really love this cool time of year

I really wish you'd wish you were here

I'm either 15 minutes late and I'll whine

Or maybe for a change the clock is on time

Either someone's out there singing in the rain

Or they're taking a bath while getting air play

Either someone's out there smiling or the sun's out there

Either you folks bought me a new car

Or the rain washed it and you don't care

When I wake I guess I'll call sick and play hurt

It's too perfectly fine morning to waste at work

I don't like to complain but these are the facts

I'd rather eat spam than pay the tax

I have not been down, I have not been down

I have not been down, I have had a little luck

I have not, I have not, I have not been down. . .

I just have not been up

Mirror lyrics:

I just have not been up

I have not, I have not, I have not been down. . .

I have not been down, I have had a little luck

I have not been down, I have not been down

I'd rather eat spam than pay the tax

I don't like to complain but these are the facts

It's too perfectly fine morning to waste at work

When I wake I guess I'll call sick and play hurt

Or the rain washed it and you don't care

Either you folks bought me a new car

Either someone's out there smiling or the sun's out there

Or they're taking a bath while getting air play

Either someone's out there singing in the rain

Or maybe for a change the clock is on time

I'm either 15 minutes late and I'll whine

I really wish you'd wish you were here

I really love this cool time of year

They don't let you have real ones 'cause I guess they pollute

I've got a plastic plant in my room

Or I hope it isn't raining too hard

Either someone's out washing their car

I have not heard a sound

I slept through the rain, the alarm, and the neighbors' fights

I guess I'm just sluggish tonight

At a quarter to four and a quarter to six

The train goes by this complex

I have not been down

I have not been down

Actually I'm fine

When you asked me how I was

things been great, I've been having a good time!â€Â
I said, ̢ہ"things been good,

But what I really meant to say was just â€Å"helloâ€Â

how's it goin'? what's been happening my man? yo!â€Â
I said, ̢ہ"what's up?

â€Â â€Å"hey! turn that down!â€Â
̢ہ"Hey! cut that out!

Turn up this song 'til someone bangs on the wall

Hear the neighbors fight in the hall

I guess I paid for the room that I'm in

These walls are 'specially thin

Relevant Tags:
HHaven't BBeen DDown aven't een own aHven't eBen oDwn javen't veen xown jHaven't vBeen xDown Hjaven't Bveen Dxown
uaven't geen eown uHaven't gBeen eDown Huaven't Bgeen Deown naven't neen fown nHaven't nBeen fDown Hnaven't Bneen Dfown
baven't heen rown bHaven't hBeen rDown Hbaven't Bheen Drown gaven't Beeen cown gHaven't Ben cDown Hgaven't Been Dcown
yaven't Bsen sown yHaven't Bseen sDown Hyaven't Besen Dsown Haaven't B3en Doown Hven't B3een Dwn Hvaen't Be3en Dwon
Hzven't Bfen Dkwn Hzaven't Bfeen Dkown Hazven't Befen Dokwn Hqven't Bren D9wn Hqaven't Breen D9own Haqven't Beren Do9wn
Hsven't B4en D0wn Hsaven't B4een D0own Hasven't Be4en Do0wn Hwven't Bden Dlwn Hwaven't Bdeen Dlown Hawven't Beden Dolwn
Hxven't Bwen Diwn Hxaven't Bween Diown Haxven't Bewen Doiwn Havven't Dowwn Haen't Don Haevn't Bene Donw
Haben't Besn Doan Habven't Doawn Havben't Beesn Dowan Hacen't Be3n Do3n Hacven't Do3wn Havcen't Bee3n Dow3n
Hagen't Befn Dodn Hagven't Dodwn Havgen't Beefn Dowdn Hafen't Bern Doen Hafven't Doewn Havfen't Beern Dowen
Haveen't Be4n Dosn Havn't Doswn Havne't Bee4n Dowsn Havsn't Bedn Do2n Havsen't Do2wn Havesn't Beedn Dow2n

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