Marty Robbins
I'm Too Big To Cry

I guess I never realized
How lonesome I could be
I never thought the time would come
When you'd grow tired of me
Your voice was never sweeter than
The day you said goodbye
You never know how much I hurt
Cause I'm too big to cry

If I knew then what I know now
You'd still be kissin' me
Instead there's someone elses lips
Where my two lips should be
I say, hello, and wish you well
Each time as you walk by
You never know how much I hurt
Cause I'm too big to cry

You never did look lovelier
Than when you walked away
When I can't sleep I don't count sheep
I count mistakes I've made
I can't believe you don't love me
No matter how I try
You never know how much I hurt
Cause I'm too big to cry

It seems so strange to be alone
I never dreamed we'd part
The tears that fall, you'll never see
There fallin' in my heart
To go through life without you're love
I guess I'd rather die
You never know what I go through
Cause I'm too big to cry

Mirror lyrics:

Cause I'm too big to cry
You never know what I go through
I guess I'd rather die
To go through life without you're love
There fallin' in my heart
The tears that fall, you'll never see
I never dreamed we'd part
It seems so strange to be alone

Cause I'm too big to cry
You never know how much I hurt
No matter how I try
I can't believe you don't love me
I count mistakes I've made
When I can't sleep I don't count sheep
Than when you walked away
You never did look lovelier

Cause I'm too big to cry
You never know how much I hurt
Each time as you walk by
I say, hello, and wish you well
Where my two lips should be
Instead there's someone elses lips
You'd still be kissin' me
If I knew then what I know now

Cause I'm too big to cry
You never know how much I hurt
The day you said goodbye
Your voice was never sweeter than
When you'd grow tired of me
I never thought the time would come
How lonesome I could be
I guess I never realized

Relevant Tags:
II'm TToo BBig TTo CCry 'm oo ig o ry 'Im oTo iBg oT rCy j'm foo vig fo fry jI'm fToo vBig fTo fCry Ij'm Tfoo Bvig Tfo Cfry
9'm 5oo gig 5o xry 9I'm 5Too gBig 5To xCry I9'm T5oo Bgig T5o Cxry l'm hoo nig ho vry lI'm hToo nBig hTo vCry Il'm Thoo Bnig Tho Cvry
o'm yoo hig yo dry oI'm yToo hBig yTo dCry Io'm Tyoo Bhig Tyo Cdry k'm 6oo Biig 6o Crry kI'm 6Too Bg 6To Cy Ik'm T6oo Bgi T6o Cyr
8'm goo Bjg go Cdy 8I'm gToo Bjig gTo I8'm Tgoo Bijg Tgo Crdy u'm roo B9g ro C4y uI'm rToo B9ig rTo C4ry Iu'm Troo Bi9g Tro Cr4y
I''m Tooo Blg Too Cgy Im To Blig T Cgry Im' Too Bilg To Crgy I'mm Tko Bog Tk Cty I' Tkoo Boig Tko Ctry I'm Toko Biog Tok Crty

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