Marty Robbins
I Can't Wait Until Tomorrow

The clock beside my bed tells me it's way too late
I know I shouldn't call you but I just can't wait
'Cause you are on my mind, love is in my heart
And the longin' just won't go away
As long as you and I are far apart

I can't wait until tomorrow
I've just gotta be with you right now
I can't wait until tomorrow
You know how much I want you
You know how much I need you
You know I've gotta love you tonight

The moon outside my window is a welcome sight
It's holdin' back the dawn so we can have the night
When you're in my arms and we're lyin' heart to heart
Only love can come between us
Only love can keep us close when we're apart

I can't wait until tomorrow
I've just gotta be with you right now
I can't wait until tomorrow
You know how much I want you
You know how much I need you
You know I've gotta love you tonight
You know how much I want you
You know how much I need you
You know I've gotta love you tonight

Mirror lyrics:

You know I've gotta love you tonight
You know how much I need you
You know how much I want you
You know I've gotta love you tonight
You know how much I need you
You know how much I want you
I can't wait until tomorrow
I've just gotta be with you right now
I can't wait until tomorrow

Only love can keep us close when we're apart
Only love can come between us
When you're in my arms and we're lyin' heart to heart
It's holdin' back the dawn so we can have the night
The moon outside my window is a welcome sight

You know I've gotta love you tonight
You know how much I need you
You know how much I want you
I can't wait until tomorrow
I've just gotta be with you right now
I can't wait until tomorrow

As long as you and I are far apart
And the longin' just won't go away
'Cause you are on my mind, love is in my heart
I know I shouldn't call you but I just can't wait
The clock beside my bed tells me it's way too late

Relevant Tags:
II CCan't WWait UUntil TTomorrow an't ait ntil omorrow I aCn't aWit nUtil oTmorrow j fan't aait hntil fomorrow jI fCan't aWait hUntil fTomorrow
Ij Cfan't Waait Uhntil Tfomorrow 9 xan't 3ait 7ntil 5omorrow 9I xCan't 3Wait 7Until 5Tomorrow I9 Cxan't W3ait U7ntil T5omorrow l van't dait kntil homorrow
lI vCan't dWait kUntil hTomorrow Il Cvan't Wdait Ukntil Thomorrow o dan't eait intil yomorrow oI dCan't eWait iUntil yTomorrow Io Cdan't Weait Uintil Tyomorrow
k Caan't sait 8ntil 6omorrow kI Cn't sWait 8Until 6Tomorrow Ik Cna't Wsait U8ntil T6omorrow 8 Czn't 2ait jntil gomorrow 8I Czan't 2Wait jUntil gTomorrow
I8 Cazn't W2ait Ujntil Tgomorrow u Cqn't qait yntil romorrow uI Cqan't qWait yUntil rTomorrow Iu Caqn't Wqait Uyntil Tromorrow Csn't Unntil Toomorrow
Csan't Wit Util Tmorrow Casn't Wiat Utnil Tmoorrow Cwn't Wzit Umtil Tkmorrow Cwan't Wzait Umntil Tkomorrow Cawn't Wazit Unmtil Tokmorrow
Cxn't Wqit Uhtil T9morrow T9omorrow Caxn't Waqit Unhtil To9morrow Cann't Wsit Ujtil T0morrow Ca't T0omorrow
Ca'nt Wasit Unjtil To0morrow Cam't Wwit Ubtil Tlmorrow Camn't Wwait Ubntil Tlomorrow Canm't Wawit Unbtil Tolmorrow Cah't Wxit Unttil Timorrow
Cahn't Wxait Unil Tiomorrow Canh't Waxit Unitl Toimorrow Caj't Waiit Unfil Tommorrow Cajn't Wat Unftil Toorrow Canj't Wati Untfil Toomrrow
Cab't Wajt Un5il Tojorrow Cabn't Wajit Un5til Tojmorrow Canb't Waijt Unt5il Tomjorrow Can''t Wa9t Unhil Tokorrow Cant Wa9it
Cant' Wai9t Unthil Tomkorrow Can'tt Walt Unyil Tonorrow Can' Walit Unytil Tonmorrow Can't Wailt Untyil Tomnorrow Can'f Waot Un6il Tomoorrow
Can'ft Waoit Un6til Tomrrow Can'tf Waiot Unt6il Tomrorow Can'5 Wakt Ungil Tomkrrow Can'5t Wakit Ungtil Can't5 Waikt Untgil Tomokrrow
Can'h Wa8t Unril Tom9rrow Can'ht Wa8it Unrtil Tom9orrow Can'th Wai8t Untril Tomo9rrow Can'y Waut Untiil Tom0rrow Can'yt Wauit Untl Tom0orrow
Can'ty Waiut Untli Tomo0rrow Can'6 Waitt Untjl Tomlrrow Can'6t Wai Untjil Tomlorrow Can't6 Wait Untijl Tomolrrow Can'g Waif Unt9l Tomirrow
Can'gt Waift Unt9il Tomiorrow Can'tg Waitf Unti9l Tomoirrow Can'r Wai5 Untll Tomorrrow Can'rt Wai5t Untlil Tomorow Can'tr Wait5 Untill Tomorrow

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