Marty Robbins
Down Where The Trade Winds Blow

Down where the tradewinds play
Down where they lose the day
We found a new world
Where Paradise starts we traded hearts
The night that I sailed away.

Flowers were in her hair
Music was everywhere
Under an awning of silvery boughs we traded vows
The night that I sailed away.

Tradewinds, what are vows that lovers make
Tradewinds, are they only made to break.

When it is May again
I'll sail away again
Though I am returning it won't be the same
She traded her name
Way down where the tradewinds play.

Tradewinds, what are vows that lovers make
Tradewinds, are they only made to break.

When it is May again
I'll sail away again
Though I am returning it won't be the same
She traded her name
Way down where the trade winds play...

Mirror lyrics:

Way down where the trade winds play...
She traded her name
Though I am returning it won't be the same
I'll sail away again
When it is May again

Tradewinds, are they only made to break.
Tradewinds, what are vows that lovers make

Way down where the tradewinds play.
She traded her name
Though I am returning it won't be the same
I'll sail away again
When it is May again

Tradewinds, are they only made to break.
Tradewinds, what are vows that lovers make

The night that I sailed away.
Under an awning of silvery boughs we traded vows
Music was everywhere
Flowers were in her hair

The night that I sailed away.
Where Paradise starts we traded hearts
We found a new world
Down where they lose the day
Down where the tradewinds play

Relevant Tags:
DDown WWhere TThe TTrade WWinds BBlow own here he rade inds low oDwn hWere hTe rTade iWnds lBow xown ahere fhe frade ainds vlow xDown aWhere fThe fTrade aWinds vBlow
Dxown Wahere Tfhe Tfrade Wainds Bvlow eown 3here 5he 5rade 3inds glow eDown 3Where 5The 5Trade 3Winds gBlow Deown W3here T5he T5rade W3inds Bglow fown dhere hhe hrade dinds nlow
fDown dWhere hThe hTrade dWinds nBlow Dfown Wdhere Thhe Thrade Wdinds Bnlow rown ehere yhe yrade einds hlow rDown eWhere yThe yTrade eWinds hBlow Drown Wehere Tyhe Tyrade Weinds Bhlow
cown shere 6he 6rade sinds Bllow cDown sWhere 6The 6Trade sWinds Bow Dcown Wshere T6he T6rade Wsinds Bolw sown 2here ghe grade 2inds Bkow sDown 2Where gThe gTrade 2Winds Bklow
Dsown W2here Tghe Tgrade W2inds Blkow Doown qhere rhe rrade qinds Boow Dwn qWhere rThe rTrade qWinds Bolow Dwon Wqhere Trhe Trrade Wqinds Bloow Dkwn Whhere Wiinds Bpow
Dkown Were Te Tade Wnds Bplow Dokwn Wehre Teh Tarde Wnids Blpow D9wn Wjere Tje Tdade Wjnds D9own Wjhere Tjhe Tdrade Wjinds Blw Do9wn Whjere Thje Trdade Wijnds Blwo
D0wn Wuere Tue T4ade W9nds Blkw D0own Wuhere Tuhe T4rade W9inds Do0wn Whuere Thue Tr4ade Wi9nds Blokw Dlwn Wnere Tne Tgade Wlnds Bl9w Dlown Wnhere Tnhe Wlinds Bl9ow
Dolwn Whnere Thne Trgade Wilnds Blo9w Diwn Wbere Tbe Ttade Wonds Bl0w Diown Wbhere Tbhe Ttrade Woinds Bl0ow Doiwn Whbere Thbe Trtade Wionds Blo0w Dowwn Wgere Tge T5ade Wknds Bllw
Don Wghere Wkinds Donw Whgere Thge Tr5ade Wiknds Blolw Doan Wyere Tye Tfade W8nds Bliw Doawn Wyhere W8inds Bliow Dowan Whyere Thye Trfade Wi8nds Bloiw
Do3n Wheere Thee Teade Wunds Bloww Do3wn Whre Th Terade Wuinds Blo Dow3n Whree The Treade Wiunds Blow Dodn Whsre Ths Traade Winnds Bloa Dodwn Whsere Thse Trde Wids Bloaw
Dowdn Whesre Thes Trdae Widns Blowa Doen Wh3re Th3 Trzde Wimds Blo3 Doewn Wh3ere Th3e Trzade Wimnds Blo3w Dowen Whe3re The3 Trazde Winmds Blow3

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