Melon Diesel
Itâ´s Only You

And it's only you, and the things that you do,
That makes me feel, so alive so true
And it's only you, incomparable you
That makes me see, the light, through you.

Our days together grow strong in my mind
My question is can we stand the test of time.

But it's only you, unmeasurable you
That lightens up, the days, that are so blue
And it's only you, there are no regrets in you
That makes me feel, like the man I'm supposed to.


I bet for you, and those things that you do
I bet for you, and those things that you do
And if I had to choose from a million stars,
Then I`d choose you


And I bet for you, only you
And those things that you do

Mirror lyrics:

And those things that you do
And I bet for you, only you


Then I`d choose you
And if I had to choose from a million stars,
I bet for you, and those things that you do
I bet for you, and those things that you do


That makes me feel, like the man I'm supposed to.
And it's only you, there are no regrets in you
That lightens up, the days, that are so blue
But it's only you, unmeasurable you

My question is can we stand the test of time.
Our days together grow strong in my mind

That makes me see, the light, through you.
And it's only you, incomparable you
That makes me feel, so alive so true
And it's only you, and the things that you do,

Relevant Tags:
IItâ´s OOnly YYou tâ´s nly ou tIâ´s nOly oYu jtâ´s knly gou jItâ´s kOnly gYou Ijtâ´s Oknly Ygou 9tâ´s 9nly hou 9Itâ´s 9Only hYou
I9tâ´s O9nly Yhou ltâ´s 0nly 6ou lItâ´s 0Only 6You Iltâ´s O0nly Y6ou otâ´s lnly uou oItâ´s lOnly uYou Iotâ´s Olnly Yuou ktâ´s inly 7ou
kItâ´s iOnly 7You Iktâ´s Oinly Y7ou 8tâ´s Onnly jou 8Itâ´s Oly jYou I8tâ´s Olny Yjou utâ´s Omly tou uItâ´s Omnly tYou Iutâ´s Onmly Ytou
Ittâ´s Ohly Yoou Iâ´s Ohnly Yu Iât´s Onhly Yuo Ifâ´s Ojly Yku Iftâ´s Ojnly Ykou Itfâ´s Onjly Yoku I5â´s Obly Y9u I5tâ´s Obnly Y9ou
It5â´s Onbly Yo9u Ihâ´s Onlly Y0u Ihtâ´s Ony Y0ou Ithâ´s Onyl Yo0u Iyâ´s Onky Ylu Iytâ´s Onkly Ylou

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