Merle Haggard
If You've Got Time To Say Goodbye

(Merle Haggard)

If you've got time to say goodbye
Have mercy on a guy that's gonna miss you
I know you're in a hurry
But consider all the hurt I'm going through.

Let me brace my heart so I can face the part
That I've been dreading for so long
If you've got time to say goodbye
Then I'll promise I won't cry till you're gone.

I know a man should never show his feelings
And I should pretend I'm glad you're leaving.

If you've got time to say goodbye
Have mercy on a guy that's gonna miss you
I know you're in a hurry
But consider all the hurt I'm going through...

Mirror lyrics:

But consider all the hurt I'm going through...
I know you're in a hurry
Have mercy on a guy that's gonna miss you
If you've got time to say goodbye

And I should pretend I'm glad you're leaving.
I know a man should never show his feelings

Then I'll promise I won't cry till you're gone.
If you've got time to say goodbye
That I've been dreading for so long
Let me brace my heart so I can face the part

But consider all the hurt I'm going through.
I know you're in a hurry
Have mercy on a guy that's gonna miss you
If you've got time to say goodbye

(Merle Haggard)

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IIf YYou've GGot TTime TTo SSay GGoodbye f ou've ot ime o ay oodbye fI oYu've oGt iTme oT aSy oGodbye jf gou've hot fime fo zay hoodbye jIf gYou've hGot fTime fTo zSay hGoodbye
Ijf Ygou've Ghot Tfime Tfo Szay Ghoodbye 9f hou've yot 5ime 5o way yoodbye 9If hYou've yGot 5Time 5To wSay yGoodbye I9f Yhou've Gyot T5ime T5o Sway Gyoodbye lf 6ou've bot hime ho day boodbye
lIf 6You've bGot hTime hTo dSay bGoodbye Ilf Y6ou've Gbot Thime Tho Sday Gboodbye of uou've vot yime yo eay voodbye oIf uYou've vGot yTime yTo eSay vGoodbye Iof Yuou've Gvot Tyime Tyo Seay Gvoodbye
kf 7ou've fot 6ime 6o xay foodbye kIf 7You've fGot 6Time 6To xSay fGoodbye Ikf Y7ou've Gfot T6ime T6o Sxay Gfoodbye 8f jou've tot gime go aay toodbye 8If jYou've tGot gTime gTo aSay tGoodbye
I8f Yjou've Gtot Tgime Tgo Saay Gtoodbye uf tou've Goot rime ro Gooodbye uIf tYou've Gt rTime rTo Sy Godbye Iuf Ytou've Gto Trime Tro Sya Goodbye Iff Yoou've Gkt Tiime Too Szy Gkodbye
I Yu've Gkot Tme T Gkoodbye If Yuo've Gokt Tmie To Sazy Gokodbye Ic Yku've G9t Tjme Tk Sqy G9odbye Icf Ykou've G9ot Tjime Tko Sqay G9oodbye Ifc Yoku've Go9t Tijme Tok Saqy Go9odbye
Ir Y9u've G0t T9me T9 Ssy G0odbye Irf Y9ou've G0ot T9ime T9o Ssay G0oodbye Ifr Yo9u've Go0t Ti9me To9 Sasy Go0odbye Ig Y0u've Glt Tlme T0 Swy Glodbye Igf Y0ou've Glot Tlime T0o Gloodbye
Ifg Yo0u've Golt Tilme To0 Sawy Golodbye It Ylu've Git Tome Tl Sxy Giodbye Itf Ylou've Giot Toime Tlo Gioodbye Ift Yolu've Goit Tiome Tol Saxy Goiodbye Iv Yiu've Gott Tkme Ti Sayy
Ivf Yiou've Go Tkime Tio Sa Ifv Yoiu've Got Tikme Toi Say Godobye Id Youu've Gof T8me Sag Gokdbye Idf Yo've Goft T8ime Sagy Ifd Yo'uve Gotf Ti8me Sayg Gookdbye
Yoh've Go5 Tume Sah Go9dbye Yohu've Go5t Tuime Sahy Youh've Got5 Tiume Sayh Goo9dbye Yo7've Goh Timme Sa6 Go0dbye Yo7u've Goht Tie Sa6y
You7've Goth Tiem Say6 Goo0dbye Yok've Goy Tije Sau Goldbye Goyt Sauy Youk've Goty Timje Sayu Gooldbye Yoi've Go6 Tike Sa7 Goidbye
Go6t Sa7y Youi've Got6 Timke Say7 Gooidbye Yo8've Gog Tine Saj Gooddbye Yo8u've Gogt Tinme Sajy Goobye You8've Gotg Timne Sayj Goobdye
Yoj've Gor Timee Sat Gooxbye Yoju've Gort Tim Saty Gooxdbye Youj've Gotr Time Sayt Goodxbye Yoy've Tims Gooebye Yoyu've Timse Gooedbye
Youy've Times Goodebye

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