Merle Haggard
I'll Get By (as Long As I Have You)

(Roy Turk - Fred E. Ahlert)

I'll get by as long as I have you
Though there'll be rain and darkness too
I'm not to blame I'll see it through.

Poverty may come to me, it's true
But what can I say, I'll get by
As long as I have you.

--- Instrumental ---

Poverty may come to me,, it's true
But what can I say, I'll get by
As long as I have you...

Mirror lyrics:

As long as I have you...
But what can I say, I'll get by
Poverty may come to me,, it's true

--- Instrumental ---

As long as I have you.
But what can I say, I'll get by
Poverty may come to me, it's true

I'm not to blame I'll see it through.
Though there'll be rain and darkness too
I'll get by as long as I have you

(Roy Turk - Fred E. Ahlert)

Relevant Tags:
II'll GGet BBy ((as LLong AAs II HHave YYou) 'll et y as ong s ave ou) 'Ill eGt yB a(s oLng sA I aHve oYu) j'll het vy (aas kong zs j jave gou) jI'll hGet vBy (s kLong zAs jI jHave gYou)
Ij'll Ghet Bvy (sa Lkong Azs Ij Hjave Ygou) 9'll yet gy (zs oong qs 9 uave hou) 9I'll yGet gBy (zas oLong qAs 9I uHave hYou) I9'll Gyet Bgy (azs Loong Aqs I9 Huave Yhou) l'll bet ny (qs pong ss l nave 6ou)
lI'll bGet nBy (qas pLong sAs lI nHave 6You) Il'll Gbet Bny (aqs Lpong Ass Il Hnave Y6ou) o'll vet hy (ss ws o bave uou) oI'll vGet hBy (sas Lng wAs oI bHave uYou) Io'll Gvet Bhy (ass Lnog Aws Io Hbave Yuou)
k'll fet Byy (ws Lkng xs k gave 7ou) kI'll fGet B (was xAs kI gHave 7You) Ik'll Gfet By (aws Lokng Axs Ik Hgave Y7ou) 8'll tet Bg (xs L9ng 8 yave jou) 8I'll tGet (xas L9ong A 8I yHave jYou)
I8'll Gtet Byg (axs Lo9ng As I8 Hyave Yjou) u'll Geet Bh L0ng Az u Haave tou) uI'll Gt (a L0ong uI Hve tYou) Iu'll Gte Byh (as Lo0ng Asz Iu Hvae Ytou) I''ll Gst B6 (az Llng Aw Hzve Yoou)
Ill Gset B6y Llong Hzave Yu) Il'l Gest By6 (asz Lolng Asw Hazve Yuo) I'lll G3t Bu (aw Ling Ad Hqve Yku) I'l G3et Buy Liong Ads Hqave Ykou) I'll Ge3t Byu (asw Loing Asd Haqve Yoku)
I'kl Gft B7 (ad Lonng Ae Hsve Y9u) I'kll B7y (ads Log Aes Hsave Y9ou) I'lkl Geft By7 (asd Logn Ase Hasve Yo9u) I'ol Grt Bj (ae Lomg Ax Hwve Y0u) I'oll Gret Bjy (aes Lomng Hwave Y0ou)
I'lol Gert Byj (ase Lonmg Asx Hawve Yo0u) I'pl G4t Bt (ax Lohg Aa Hxve Ylu) I'pll G4et Bty Lohng Aas Hxave Ylou) I'lpl Ge4t Byt (asx Lonhg Asa Haxve Yolu)

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