Merle Haggard
Grandma Harp

(Merle Haggard)

Grandma's maiden name was Zonethelines
And there's ninety years to tell about in a few short lines
Born in Newton County down in Arkansas
Then in 1901 she married grandpa.

We laid her soul to rest on Sunday morning
And everybody knew she'd done her part
Don't get set to hear no hidden family legend
Just a song about the life of Grandma Harp.

Just think about the times that she lived through
And think about the changin' world she saw
Now some how she reared a decent family out of poverty
And for seventy years she loved the same ole grandpa.

To me her passin' brought a closin' chapter
To a way of life that I loved within my heart
I just mean to say I think we owe her something special
If just a song about the life of Grandma Harp.

Grandma's maiden name was Zonethelines
And there's ninety years to tell about in a few short lines
Born in Newton County down in Arkansas
Then in 1901 she married grandpa.

We laid her soul to rest on Sunday morning
And everybody knew she'd done her part
Don't get set to hear no hidden family legend
Just a song about the life of Grandma Harp...

Mirror lyrics:

Just a song about the life of Grandma Harp...
Don't get set to hear no hidden family legend
And everybody knew she'd done her part
We laid her soul to rest on Sunday morning

Then in 1901 she married grandpa.
Born in Newton County down in Arkansas
And there's ninety years to tell about in a few short lines
Grandma's maiden name was Zonethelines

If just a song about the life of Grandma Harp.
I just mean to say I think we owe her something special
To a way of life that I loved within my heart
To me her passin' brought a closin' chapter

And for seventy years she loved the same ole grandpa.
Now some how she reared a decent family out of poverty
And think about the changin' world she saw
Just think about the times that she lived through

Just a song about the life of Grandma Harp.
Don't get set to hear no hidden family legend
And everybody knew she'd done her part
We laid her soul to rest on Sunday morning

Then in 1901 she married grandpa.
Born in Newton County down in Arkansas
And there's ninety years to tell about in a few short lines
Grandma's maiden name was Zonethelines

(Merle Haggard)

Relevant Tags:
GGrandma HHarp randma arp rGandma aHrp hrandma jarp hGrandma jHarp Ghrandma Hjarp yrandma uarp yGrandma uHarp Gyrandma Huarp
brandma narp bGrandma nHarp Gbrandma Hnarp vrandma barp vGrandma bHarp Gvrandma Hbarp frandma garp fGrandma gHarp Gfrandma Hgarp
trandma yarp tGrandma yHarp Gtrandma Hyarp Grrandma Haarp Gandma Hrp Garndma Hrap Gdandma Hzrp Gdrandma Hzarp Grdandma Hazrp
G4andma Hqrp G4randma Hqarp Gr4andma Haqrp Ggandma Hsrp Ggrandma Hsarp Grgandma Hasrp Gtandma Hwrp Hwarp Grtandma Hawrp
G5andma Hxrp G5randma Hxarp Gr5andma Haxrp Gfandma Harrp Hap Grfandma Hapr Geandma Hadp Gerandma Hadrp Greandma Hardp
Graandma Ha4p Grndma Ha4rp Grnadma Har4p Grzndma Hagp Grzandma Hagrp Grazndma Hargp Grqndma Hatp Grqandma Hatrp Graqndma Hartp
Grsndma Ha5p Grsandma Ha5rp Grasndma Har5p Grwndma Hafp Grwandma Hafrp Grawndma Harfp Grxndma Haep Grxandma Haerp Graxndma Harep
Granndma Harpp

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