Merle Haggard
Daddy Frank (the Guitar Man)

(Merle Haggard)

Daddy Frank played the guitar and the french harp
Sister played the ringing tambourine
Mama couldn't hear our pretty music
She read our lips and helped the family sing.

That little band was all a part of living
And our only means of living at the time
And it wasn't like no normal family combo
Cause Daddy Frank the guitar man was blind.

Frank and mama counted on each other
Their one and only weakness made them strong
Mama did the driving for the family
And Frank made a living with a song.

Home was just a camp along the highway
A pick-up bed was where we bedded down
Don't ever once remember going hungry
But I remember mama cooking on the ground.

Don't remember how they got acquainted
I can't recall just how it came to be
There had to be some special help from someone
And blessed be the one that let it be.

Fever caused my mama's loss of hearing
Daddy Frank was born without his sight
And mama needed someone she could lean on
And I believe the guitar man was right.

Daddy Frank played the guitar and the french harp
Sister played the ringing tambourine
Mama couldn't hear our pretty music
She read our lips and helped the family sing...

Mirror lyrics:

She read our lips and helped the family sing...
Mama couldn't hear our pretty music
Sister played the ringing tambourine
Daddy Frank played the guitar and the french harp

And I believe the guitar man was right.
And mama needed someone she could lean on
Daddy Frank was born without his sight
Fever caused my mama's loss of hearing

And blessed be the one that let it be.
There had to be some special help from someone
I can't recall just how it came to be
Don't remember how they got acquainted

But I remember mama cooking on the ground.
Don't ever once remember going hungry
A pick-up bed was where we bedded down
Home was just a camp along the highway

And Frank made a living with a song.
Mama did the driving for the family
Their one and only weakness made them strong
Frank and mama counted on each other

Cause Daddy Frank the guitar man was blind.
And it wasn't like no normal family combo
And our only means of living at the time
That little band was all a part of living

She read our lips and helped the family sing.
Mama couldn't hear our pretty music
Sister played the ringing tambourine
Daddy Frank played the guitar and the french harp

(Merle Haggard)

Relevant Tags:
DDaddy FFrank ((the GGuitar MMan) addy rank the uitar an) aDddy rFank t(he uGitar aMn) xaddy crank (tthe huitar jan) xDaddy cFrank (he hGuitar jMan)
Dxaddy Fcrank (hte Ghuitar Mjan) eaddy rrank (fhe yuitar kan) eDaddy rFrank (fthe yGuitar kMan) Deaddy Frrank (tfhe Gyuitar Mkan) faddy grank (5he buitar nan)
fDaddy gFrank (5the bGuitar nMan) Dfaddy Fgrank (t5he Gbuitar Mnan) raddy trank (hhe vuitar Maan) rDaddy tFrank (hthe vGuitar Mn) Draddy Ftrank (thhe Gvuitar Mna)
caddy vrank (yhe fuitar Mzn) cDaddy vFrank (ythe fGuitar Mzan) Dcaddy Fvrank (tyhe Gfuitar Mazn) saddy drank (6he tuitar Mqn) sDaddy dFrank (6the tGuitar Mqan)
Dsaddy Fdrank (t6he Gtuitar Maqn) Daaddy (ghe Guuitar Msn) Dddy Fank (gthe Gitar Msan) Ddady Farnk (tghe Giutar Masn) Dzddy Fdank (rhe Ghitar Mwn)
Dzaddy (rthe Mwan) Dazddy Frdank (trhe Guhitar Mawn) Dqddy F4ank G7itar Mxn) Dqaddy F4rank (te G7uitar Mxan) Daqddy Fr4ank (teh Gu7itar Maxn)
Dsddy Fgank (tje Gkitar Mann) (tjhe Gkuitar Ma) Dasddy Frgank (thje Gukitar Ma)n Dwddy Ftank (tue Giitar Mam) Dwaddy (tuhe Giuitar Mamn)
Dawddy Frtank (thue Guiitar Manm) Dxddy F5ank (tne G8itar Mah) F5rank (tnhe G8uitar Mahn) Daxddy Fr5ank (thne Gu8itar Manh) Dadddy Ffank (tbe Gjitar Maj)
Dady Ffrank (tbhe Gjuitar Majn) Daddy Frfank (thbe Gujitar Manj) Daxdy Feank (tge Gyitar Mab) Ferank Mabn) Dadxdy Freank (thge Guyitar Manb)
Daedy Fraank (tye Man)) Daeddy Frnk Gutar Man Dadedy Frnak (thye Gutiar Man) Dafdy Frznk (thee Gujtar Dafddy Frzank (th
Dadfdy Fraznk (the Guijtar Dardy Frqnk (ths Gu9tar Darddy Frqank (thse Gu9itar Dadrdy Fraqnk (thes Gui9tar Dacdy Frsnk (th3 Gultar
Dacddy Frsank (th3e Gulitar Dadcdy Frasnk (the3 Guiltar Dasdy Frwnk (thf Guotar Frwank (thfe Guoitar Dadsdy Frawnk (thef Guiotar
Frxnk (thr Guktar Frxank (thre Dadyd Fraxnk (ther Guiktar Dadxy Frannk (th4 Gu8tar

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