Meri Cetinic
Reckless (the First Rap Song Eminem Heard)

Hey, boy!

Once upon a time a DJ's task
Was just to play records, what more could you ask?
But then came remixes, scratching and cuts
Which was too much for many, drove some DJ's nuts
But the DJ named Glove has reigned supreme
As the turntable wizard of the hip-hop scene
So listen to him, check him out, but remember this
When The Glove's on the wheels of steel he's Reckless

This high-powered music is truly unique
As The Glove cuts the rhythm to the hip-hop beat
He moves like a madman as he spins his disc
He's the number one scratcher on the DJ list, he's Reckless

Now I've seen DJ's, too many to name
Some gained recognition and even fame
But when you talk of MC's, Ice-T is the best
And when you talk of DJ's, forget the rest, Glove's Reckless

So listen very closely as The Glove throws down
He cuts like a razor to the big beat sound
Dave's layin' down a groove that we know you'll like
With The Glove on the turntables and Ice-T on the mic, we're Reckless

So listen to the music, let your mind feel free
Realize you're with the master G-L-O-V-E
Dave and MC Ice-T, you know you're with the best
Because when we're in the mix you know the groove is fresh
and Reckless, Reckless, Reck-Reck-Re-Reckless

Mirror lyrics:

and Reckless, Reckless, Reck-Reck-Re-Reckless
Because when we're in the mix you know the groove is fresh
Dave and MC Ice-T, you know you're with the best
Realize you're with the master G-L-O-V-E
So listen to the music, let your mind feel free

With The Glove on the turntables and Ice-T on the mic, we're Reckless
Dave's layin' down a groove that we know you'll like
He cuts like a razor to the big beat sound
So listen very closely as The Glove throws down

And when you talk of DJ's, forget the rest, Glove's Reckless
But when you talk of MC's, Ice-T is the best
Some gained recognition and even fame
Now I've seen DJ's, too many to name

He's the number one scratcher on the DJ list, he's Reckless
He moves like a madman as he spins his disc
As The Glove cuts the rhythm to the hip-hop beat
This high-powered music is truly unique

When The Glove's on the wheels of steel he's Reckless
So listen to him, check him out, but remember this
As the turntable wizard of the hip-hop scene
But the DJ named Glove has reigned supreme
Which was too much for many, drove some DJ's nuts
But then came remixes, scratching and cuts
Was just to play records, what more could you ask?
Once upon a time a DJ's task

Hey, boy!

Relevant Tags:
RReckless ((the FFirst RRap SSong EEminem HHeard) eckless the irst ap ong minem eard) eRckless t(he iFrst aRp oSng mEinem eHard)
deckless (tthe cirst dap zong sminem jeard) dReckless (he cFirst dRap zSong sEminem jHeard) Rdeckless (hte Fcirst Rdap Szong Esminem Hjeard)
4eckless (fhe rirst 4ap wong 3minem ueard) 4Reckless (fthe rFirst 4Rap wSong 3Eminem uHeard) R4eckless (tfhe Frirst R4ap Swong E3minem Hueard)
geckless (5he girst gap dong fminem neard) gReckless (5the gFirst gRap dSong fEminem nHeard) Rgeckless (t5he Fgirst Rgap Sdong Efminem Hneard)
teckless (hhe tirst tap eong rminem beard) tReckless (hthe tFirst tRap eSong rEminem bHeard) Rteckless (thhe Ftirst Rtap Seong Erminem Hbeard)
5eckless (yhe virst 5ap xong 4minem geard) 5Reckless (ythe vFirst 5Rap xSong 4Eminem gHeard) R5eckless (tyhe Fvirst R5ap Sxong E4minem Hgeard)
feckless (6he dirst fap aong dminem yeard) fReckless (6the dFirst fRap aSong dEminem yHeard) Rfeckless (t6he Fdirst Rfap Saong Edminem Hyeard)
eeckless (ghe Fiirst eap Soong wminem Heeard) eReckless (gthe Frst eRap Sng wEminem Hard) Reeckless (tghe Frist Reap Snog Ewminem Haerd)
(rhe Fjrst Raap Skng Emminem Hsard) Rckless (rthe Fjirst Rp Skong Einem Hseard) Rcekless (trhe Fijrst Rpa Sokng Eimnem Hesard)
Rsckless F9rst Rzp S9ng Ejinem H3ard) Rseckless (te F9irst Rzap S9ong Ejminem H3eard) Resckless (teh Fi9rst Razp So9ng Emjinem He3ard)
R3ckless (tje Flrst Rqp S0ng Ekinem Hfard) R3eckless (tjhe Flirst Rqap S0ong Ekminem Hfeard) Re3ckless (thje Filrst Raqp So0ng Emkinem Hefard)
Rfckless (tue Forst Rsp Slng Eninem Hrard) (tuhe Foirst Rsap Slong Enminem Hreard) Refckless (thue Fiorst Rasp Solng Emninem Herard)
Rrckless (tne Fkrst Rwp Sing Emiinem H4ard) Rreckless (tnhe Fkirst Rwap Siong Emnem H4eard) Rerckless (thne Fikrst Rawp Soing Emniem He4ard)
R4ckless (tbe F8rst Rxp Sonng Emjnem Hdard) (tbhe F8irst Rxap Sog Hdeard) Re4ckless (thbe Fi8rst Raxp Sogn Emijnem Hedard)
Rdckless (tge Furst Rapp Somg Em9nem Hward) Fuirst Ra Somng Em9inem Hweard) Redckless (thge Fiurst Rap Sonmg Emi9nem Heward)
Rwckless (tye Firrst Ra0 Sohg Emlnem Heaard) Rweckless Fist Ra0p Sohng Emlinem Herd) Rewckless (thye Fisrt Rap0 Sonhg Emilnem Herad)
Recckless (thee Fidst Ral Sojg Emonem Hezrd) Rekless (th Fidrst Ralp Sojng Emoinem Hezard) Rekcless (the Firdst Rapl Sonjg Emionem Heazrd)
Refkless (ths Fi4st Rao Sobg Emknem Heqrd) (thse Fi4rst Raop Sobng Heqard) Recfkless (thes Fir4st Rapo Sonbg Emiknem Heaqrd)
Rexkless (th3 Figst Songg Em8nem Hesrd) Rexckless (th3e Figrst Son Em8inem Recxkless (the3 Firgst Song Emi8nem Heasrd)
Revkless (thf Fitst Sonh Emunem Hewrd) Revckless (thfe Fitrst Emuinem Recvkless (thef Firtst Songh Emiunem Heawrd)
Redkless (thr Fi5st Sony Eminnem Hexrd) (thre Fi5rst Sonyg Emiem Hexard) Recdkless (ther Fir5st Songy Emienm Heaxrd)
Reckkless (th4 Fifst Sonb Emimem Hearrd) Recless (th4e Fifrst Emimnem Head) Reclkess (the4 Firfst Songb Eminmem Headr)
Reclless (thd Fiest Sonv Emihem Headd) Reclkless (thde Fierst Sonvg Emihnem Headrd) Recklless (thed Firest Songv Eminhem Heardd)

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