Martin Hedegaard
The 1

Sometimes I try too hard
Engaging your defence ain't smart
I wish I could slow down

And show you lost is found - ohh
Make you love the sound
Of my voice singing
For you only

When you say to me you know I am the one
When you open up your heart to me
Feels like nothing can go wrong

And I'll fight on

There is so much to win
Even more than friends
I stay believing
And I keep dreaming

But when you say to me you know I am the one
When you open up your heart to me
Feels like nothing can go wrong
Now I've finally reached the arms where I belong
All the good intentions learned to fly
Separated right from wrong

And I'll fight on
Let me stay the 1 - oh ohh

I shook it of again
Came back and fought another day
How could I ever let go
What I believe in..

But when you say to me you know I am the one
When you open up your heart to me
Feels like nothing can go wrong
Now I've finally reached the arms where I belong
All the good intentions learned to fly
Separated right from wrong

And I'll fight on
Let me stay the 1

Mirror lyrics:

Let me stay the 1
And I'll fight on

Separated right from wrong
All the good intentions learned to fly
Now I've finally reached the arms where I belong
Feels like nothing can go wrong
When you open up your heart to me
But when you say to me you know I am the one

What I believe in..
How could I ever let go
Came back and fought another day
I shook it of again

Let me stay the 1 - oh ohh
And I'll fight on

Separated right from wrong
All the good intentions learned to fly
Now I've finally reached the arms where I belong
Feels like nothing can go wrong
When you open up your heart to me
But when you say to me you know I am the one

And I keep dreaming
I stay believing
Even more than friends
There is so much to win

And I'll fight on

Feels like nothing can go wrong
When you open up your heart to me
When you say to me you know I am the one

For you only
Of my voice singing
Make you love the sound
And show you lost is found - ohh

I wish I could slow down
Engaging your defence ain't smart
Sometimes I try too hard

Relevant Tags:
TThe 11 he hTe 1 fhe 2 fThe 21 Tfhe 12 5he q 5The q1 T5he 1q hhe hThe
Thhe yhe yThe Tyhe 6he 6The T6he ghe gThe Tghe rhe
rThe Trhe Te Teh Tje Tjhe Thje Tue Tuhe Thue

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