Martha Reeves And The Vandellas
It's Easy To Fall In Love (with A Guy Like You)

It's easy to fall in love with a guy like you
Someone I know will be true
Someone I can put my trust in and never doubt
I couldn't live without your tender charm
Once I was in your arms

It's easy to fall in love with a guy like you
You make grey sky seems blue
Suddenly I realize how much I miss
Cause with just one kiss
My hands start thrilling my heart caused I'm willing

(willing to) Willing to love all the way
And I'll encounter what may
I'll follow you wherever you go
I want you so
Don't make me wait for another day
Just take me in your arms and baby
time has come…my love

(easy) You've put a smile on my face
(easy) Even sadness can't erase
(easy) Time seems to stand still
(easy) Whenever you're near me
(easy) You're heaven in disguise
(easy) You're so real and that's why
It's easy to fallin love with a guy like you
You touched me all the way trough
You exposed the colors of me
I didn't know it exists till then if I'm missin'
There's a music in the air
So glad you near
It's easy to fall in love with a guy like you
Someone I know will be true
Someone I can put my trust in and never doubt
I couldn't live without your tender charm
Once I was in your arms

(it's easy…) It's easy to fall in love with a guy like you…

Mirror lyrics:

(it's easy…) It's easy to fall in love with a guy like you…

Once I was in your arms
I couldn't live without your tender charm
Someone I can put my trust in and never doubt
Someone I know will be true
It's easy to fall in love with a guy like you
So glad you near
There's a music in the air
I didn't know it exists till then if I'm missin'
You exposed the colors of me
You touched me all the way trough
It's easy to fallin love with a guy like you
(easy) You're so real and that's why
(easy) You're heaven in disguise
(easy) Whenever you're near me
(easy) Time seems to stand still
(easy) Even sadness can't erase
(easy) You've put a smile on my face

time has come…my love
Just take me in your arms and baby
Don't make me wait for another day
I want you so
I'll follow you wherever you go
And I'll encounter what may
(willing to) Willing to love all the way

My hands start thrilling my heart caused I'm willing
Cause with just one kiss
Suddenly I realize how much I miss
You make grey sky seems blue
It's easy to fall in love with a guy like you

Once I was in your arms
I couldn't live without your tender charm
Someone I can put my trust in and never doubt
Someone I know will be true
It's easy to fall in love with a guy like you

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IIt's EEasy TTo FFall IIn LLove ((with AA GGuy LLike YYou) t's asy o all n ove with uy ike ou) tI's aEsy oT aFll nI oLve w(ith A uGy iLke oYu)
jt's sasy fo call jn kove (wwith z huy kike gou) jIt's sEasy fTo cFall jIn kLove (ith zA hGuy kLike gYou) Ijt's Esasy Tfo Fcall Ijn Lkove (iwth Az Ghuy Lkike Ygou)
9t's 3asy 5o rall 9n oove (aith q yuy oike hou) 9It's 3Easy 5To rFall 9In oLove (awith qA yGuy oLike hYou) I9t's E3asy T5o Frall I9n Loove (waith Aq Gyuy Loike Yhou)
lt's fasy ho gall ln pove (3ith s buy pike 6ou) lIt's fEasy hTo gFall lIn pLove (3with sA bGuy pLike 6You) Ilt's Efasy Tho Fgall Iln Lpove (w3ith As Gbuy Lpike Y6ou)
ot's rasy yo tall on (dith w vuy Liike uou) oIt's rEasy yTo tFall oIn Lve (dwith wA vGuy Lke uYou) Iot's Erasy Tyo Ftall Ion Lvoe (wdith Aw Gvuy Lkie Yuou)
kt's 4asy 6o vall kn Lkve (eith x fuy Ljke 7ou) kIt's 4Easy 6To vFall kIn (ewith xA fGuy Ljike 7You) Ikt's E4asy T6o Fvall Ikn Lokve (weith Ax Gfuy Lijke Y7ou)
8t's dasy go dall 8n L9ve (sith tuy L9ke jou) 8It's dEasy gTo dFall 8In L9ove (swith tGuy L9ike jYou) I8t's Edasy Tgo Fdall I8n Lo9ve (wsith Gtuy Li9ke Yjou)
ut's wasy ro Faall un L0ve (2ith Guuy Llke tou) uIt's wEasy rTo Fll uIn L0ove (2with Gy Llike tYou) Iut's Ewasy Tro Flal Iun Lo0ve (w2ith Gyu Lilke Ytou)
Itt's Eaasy Too Fzll Inn Llve (qith Ghy Loke Yoou) I's Esy T Fzall I Llove (qwith Yu) I'ts Esay To Fazll In Lolve (wqith Guhy Lioke Yuo)
If's Ezsy Tk Fqll Im Live (wiith G7y Lkke Yku) Ift's Ezasy Tko Fqall Imn Liove (wth G7uy Ykou) Itf's Eazsy Tok Faqll Inm Loive (wtih Gu7y Likke Yoku)
I5's Eqsy T9 Fsll Ih Lovve (wjth Gky L8ke Y9u) I5t's Eqasy T9o Fsall Ihn Loe (wjith Gkuy L8ike Y9ou) It5's Eaqsy To9 Fasll Inh Loev (wijth Guky Li8ke Yo9u)
Ih's Essy T0 Fwll Ij Lobe (w9th Giy Luke Y0u) Iht's T0o Fwall Lobve (w9ith Giuy Luike Y0ou) Ith's Eassy To0 Fawll Inj Lovbe (wi9th Guiy Liuke Yo0u)
Iy's Ewsy Tl Fxll Ib Loce (wlth G8y Ylu) Iyt's Tlo Fxall Ibn Locve (wlith G8uy Lie Ylou) Ity's Eawsy Tol Faxll Inb Lovce (wilth Gu8y Liek Yolu)
I6's Exsy Ti Falll Loge (woth Gjy Lile Yiu) I6t's Exasy Tio Fal Logve (woith Gjuy Yiou) It6's Eaxsy Toi Fall Lovge (wioth Gujy Likle Yoiu)
Ig's Fakl Lofe (wkth Gyy Lioe Youu) Igt's Eay Fakll Lofve (wkith Yo) Itg's Eays Falkl Lovfe (wikth Guyy Likoe Yo)u
Ir's Eazy Faol Lovee (w8th Lime Yoh) Irt's Faoll Lov (w8ith Gu Limke Yohu)

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