Marry Me Jane
You Didn't Kiss Me

You didn't kiss me how can I fall asleep?

I know you're there, but don't pick up cause I'll say everything
I know you don't care, you made that clear enough as I was leaving
I took your favorite overcoat, just wanted to return it
I know it's late, you're probably out, that's what you wanted anyway
I know how you hate it when I get too loud, but John you know I'm crazy
I'm wrapped around your favorite overcoat, don't think I can return it

You didn't kiss me
How can I fall asleep?
You didn't wish me very well
To say the least
Do you miss me?
If you said so should I believe you?
You didn't kiss me..

Hate your laugh, hate your lies, hate the chance I took on you
Hate the past in your eyes, hate the war you put me through
Hate myself for believing this could come to anything at all

I'm wrapped around your favorite overcoat
Don't think I can return it

How can I fall asleep?
You didn't wish me very well
To say the least
Do you miss me?
If you said so should I believe you?
You didn't kiss me..

Mirror lyrics:

You didn't kiss me..
If you said so should I believe you?
Do you miss me?
To say the least
You didn't wish me very well
How can I fall asleep?

Don't think I can return it
I'm wrapped around your favorite overcoat

Hate myself for believing this could come to anything at all
Hate the past in your eyes, hate the war you put me through
Hate your laugh, hate your lies, hate the chance I took on you

You didn't kiss me..
If you said so should I believe you?
Do you miss me?
To say the least
You didn't wish me very well
How can I fall asleep?
You didn't kiss me

I'm wrapped around your favorite overcoat, don't think I can return it
I know how you hate it when I get too loud, but John you know I'm crazy
I know it's late, you're probably out, that's what you wanted anyway
I took your favorite overcoat, just wanted to return it
I know you don't care, you made that clear enough as I was leaving
I know you're there, but don't pick up cause I'll say everything

You didn't kiss me how can I fall asleep?

Relevant Tags:
YYou DDidn't KKiss MMe ou idn't iss e oYu iDdn't iKss eM gou xidn't liss je gYou xDidn't lKiss jMe Ygou Dxidn't Kliss Mje
hou eidn't oiss ke hYou eDidn't oKiss kMe Yhou Deidn't Koiss Mke 6ou fidn't miss ne 6You fDidn't mKiss nMe Y6ou Dfidn't Kmiss Mne
uou ridn't jiss Mee uYou rDidn't jKiss M Yuou Dridn't Kjiss Me 7ou cidn't iiss Ms 7You cDidn't iKiss Mse Y7ou Dcidn't Kiiss Mes
jou sidn't M3 jYou sDidn't Kss M3e Yjou Dsidn't Ksis Me3 tou Diidn't Kjss Mf tYou Ddn't Mfe Ytou Ddin't Kijss Mef
Yoou Djdn't K9ss Mr Yu Djidn't K9iss Mre Yuo Dijdn't Ki9ss Mer Yku D9dn't Klss M4 Ykou D9idn't M4e Yoku Di9dn't Kilss Me4
Y9u Dldn't Koss Md Y9ou Dlidn't Mde Yo9u Dildn't Kioss Med Y0u Dodn't Kkss Mw Y0ou Doidn't Kkiss Mwe Yo0u Diodn't Kikss Mew
Ylu Dkdn't K8ss Ylou Dkidn't K8iss Yolu Dikdn't Ki8ss Yiu D8dn't Kuss Yiou D8idn't Kuiss Yoiu Di8dn't Kiuss
Youu Dudn't Kisss Yo Duidn't Kis You Diudn't Kiss Yoh Diddn't Kizs Yohu Din't Kizss Youh Dind't Kiszs
Yo7 Dixn't Kiws Yo7u Dixdn't Kiwss You7 Didxn't Kisws Yok Dien't Kids Diedn't Kidss Youk Diden't Kisds

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