You And Not Tokio

Five more minutes then I go on another floor
You are on my mind, like never before
Seem away how you fit my heart
That I can't feel you before I've start


To see in the spotlight and I miss you and not Tokio
And if I was younger I would cry
I seek for a good life but I think of you and not California
And if I was younger I would cry
But tears are running dry…

Te hecho de menos mi corazón dónde estás
Me puedes prometer que no me olvidaras
Mi vida está completamente
si tu regresaras cuanto han que es


To see in the spotlight and I miss you and not Tokio
And if I was younger I would cry
I seek for a good life but I think of you and not California
And if I was younger I would cry
But tears are running dry…

I don't know how you do
how you can
how you're there
you're obsessing my head
I don't know where you are
it's too far
anyway you're obsessing my day
And I wish you were here, I wish you were here, and I wish you were here
I don't know how you do
how you can
how you're there
you're obsessing my head...


To see in the spotlight and I miss you and not Tokio
And if I was younger I would cry
I seek for a good life but I think of you and not California
And if I was younger I would cry

Mirror lyrics:

And if I was younger I would cry
I seek for a good life but I think of you and not California
And if I was younger I would cry
To see in the spotlight and I miss you and not Tokio


you're obsessing my head...
how you're there
how you can
I don't know how you do
And I wish you were here, I wish you were here, and I wish you were here
anyway you're obsessing my day
it's too far
I don't know where you are
you're obsessing my head
how you're there
how you can
I don't know how you do

But tears are running dry…
And if I was younger I would cry
I seek for a good life but I think of you and not California
And if I was younger I would cry
To see in the spotlight and I miss you and not Tokio


si tu regresaras cuanto han que es
Mi vida está completamente
Me puedes prometer que no me olvidaras
Te hecho de menos mi corazón dónde estás

But tears are running dry…
And if I was younger I would cry
I seek for a good life but I think of you and not California
And if I was younger I would cry
To see in the spotlight and I miss you and not Tokio


That I can't feel you before I've start
Seem away how you fit my heart
You are on my mind, like never before
Five more minutes then I go on another floor

Relevant Tags:
YYou AAnd NNot TTokio ou nd ot okio oYu nAd oNt oTkio gou znd mot fokio gYou zAnd mNot fTokio Ygou Aznd Nmot Tfokio
hou qnd hot 5okio hYou qAnd hNot 5Tokio Yhou Aqnd Nhot T5okio 6ou snd jot hokio 6You sAnd jNot hTokio Y6ou Asnd Njot Thokio
uou wnd bot yokio uYou wAnd bNot yTokio Yuou Awnd Nbot Tyokio 7ou xnd Noot 6okio 7You xAnd Nt 6Tokio Y7ou Axnd Nto T6okio
jou Annd Nkt gokio jYou Ad Nkot gTokio Yjou Adn Nokt Tgokio tou Amd N9t rokio tYou Amnd N9ot rTokio Ytou Anmd No9t Trokio
Yoou Ahd N0t Tookio Yu Ahnd N0ot Tkio Yuo Anhd No0t Tkoio Yku Ajd Nlt Tkkio Ykou Ajnd Nlot Tkokio Yoku Anjd Nolt Tokkio
Y9u Abd Nit T9kio Y9ou Abnd Niot T9okio Yo9u Anbd Noit To9kio Y0u Andd Nott T0kio Y0ou An No T0okio Yo0u And Not To0kio
Ylu Anx Nof Tlkio Ylou Anxd Noft Tlokio Yolu Andx Notf Tolkio Yiu Ane No5 Tikio Yiou Aned No5t Tiokio Yoiu Ande Not5 Toikio
Youu Anf Noh Yo Anfd Noht Toio

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