Martin Page
Broken Stairway

We've played the final game
Now we both remain
Froze beneath your jealous sky
Lord knows I fear to tread
I see no steps ahead
Suspicion burns out all the lights
On a broken stairway
Is this where our love will stay
On a broken stairway
We say goodbye
Silence corrodes the air
I guess we can't repair
The cracks that run right through our lives
All of the tears you fake

Are abandoned here halfway
Between the truth between the lies
On a broken stairway
Foundations rock and sway
On a broken stairway
We say goodbye
On a broken stairway
Is this where our love will stay
On a broken stairway
We say goodbye

Mirror lyrics:

We say goodbye
On a broken stairway
Is this where our love will stay
On a broken stairway
We say goodbye
On a broken stairway
Foundations rock and sway
On a broken stairway
Between the truth between the lies
Are abandoned here halfway

All of the tears you fake
The cracks that run right through our lives
I guess we can't repair
Silence corrodes the air
We say goodbye
On a broken stairway
Is this where our love will stay
On a broken stairway
Suspicion burns out all the lights
I see no steps ahead
Lord knows I fear to tread
Froze beneath your jealous sky
Now we both remain
We've played the final game

Relevant Tags:
BBroken SStairway roken tairway rBoken tSairway vroken ztairway vBroken zStairway Bvroken Sztairway groken wtairway
gBroken wStairway Bgroken Swtairway nroken dtairway nBroken dStairway Bnroken Sdtairway hroken etairway hBroken eStairway
Bhroken Setairway Brroken xtairway Boken xStairway Borken Sxtairway Bdoken atairway Bdroken aStairway Brdoken Satairway
B4oken Sttairway B4roken Sairway Br4oken Satirway Bgoken Sfairway Sftairway Brgoken Stfairway Btoken S5airway
Btroken S5tairway Brtoken St5airway B5oken Shairway B5roken Shtairway Br5oken Sthairway Bfoken Syairway Bfroken Sytairway
Brfoken Styairway Beoken S6airway Beroken S6tairway Breoken St6airway Brooken Sgairway Brken Sgtairway Brkoen Stgairway
Brkken Srairway Brkoken Srtairway Brokken Strairway Br9ken Staairway Br9oken Stirway Bro9ken Stiarway Br0ken Stzirway
Br0oken Stzairway Bro0ken Stazirway Brlken Stqirway Brloken Stqairway Brolken Staqirway Briken Stsirway Brioken Stsairway
Broiken Stasirway Stwirway Broen Stwairway Broekn Stawirway Brolen Stxirway Stxairway Broklen Staxirway
Brooen Staiirway Starway Brokoen Stariway Bromen Stajrway Bromken Stajirway Brokmen Staijrway Brojen Sta9rway
Brojken Sta9irway Brokjen Stai9rway Broien Stalrway Stalirway Brokien Stailrway Brokeen Staorway Brokn Staoirway
Brokne Staiorway Broksn Stakrway Broksen Stakirway Brokesn Staikrway Brok3n Sta8rway Brok3en Sta8irway Broke3n Stai8rway
Brokfn Staurway Brokfen Stauirway

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