Meditating In The Contemplation's Horizon (solitud...

Where are you, Nibban?

In a frozen cave

Where will be sleeping

A thousand serpents in a niche

Of leather and silver

The eyes close

Stone embitters the eternal seat

The crystalline waters shine

They shine and they mirror

So unconscious

They fight void brave of the tears

Into desecration

The more beautiful woman layer

Embroidered with the unholy

And sacrilegious feeling

Reflex of Myself

With my prayers

Come from the sharpest sheet, wisely,

Horrible for your rhymes

It can make you God

A luxurious crown

Full of fidelity

And majestic passion

Where madonnas

And messianic temples

Burning in praise for you

And your ministers

Arriving the gloomy below will see my place

The emptiness that will be cold and with sadness

Cry trees, cry for me

As the fingernails of a harpia in my soul

The Star-king's splendor

Arise slowly

Where is my soul?

Ah, feel the manifestation of the essence

Into the mist of hate

To the days exist the night

To the pleasures exist the torments

To the creators exist the destructors

Ah, feel the darkness

The tranquility is the devastation of the monotony

And the illumination's wisdom

Meditating in the contemplation of the horizon

Mirror lyrics:

Meditating in the contemplation of the horizon

And the illumination's wisdom

The tranquility is the devastation of the monotony

Ah, feel the darkness

To the creators exist the destructors

To the pleasures exist the torments

To the days exist the night

Into the mist of hate

Ah, feel the manifestation of the essence

Where is my soul?

Arise slowly

The Star-king's splendor

As the fingernails of a harpia in my soul

Cry trees, cry for me

The emptiness that will be cold and with sadness

Arriving the gloomy below will see my place

And your ministers

Burning in praise for you

And messianic temples

Where madonnas

And majestic passion

Full of fidelity

A luxurious crown

It can make you God

Horrible for your rhymes

Come from the sharpest sheet, wisely,

With my prayers

Reflex of Myself

And sacrilegious feeling

Embroidered with the unholy

The more beautiful woman layer

Into desecration

They fight void brave of the tears

So unconscious

They shine and they mirror

The crystalline waters shine

Stone embitters the eternal seat

The eyes close

Of leather and silver

A thousand serpents in a niche

Where will be sleeping

In a frozen cave

Where are you, Nibban?

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MMeditating IIn TThe CContemplation's HHorizon ((solitud... editating n he ontemplation's orizon solitud...
eMditating nI hTe oCntemplation's oHrizon s(olitud... jeditating jn fhe fontemplation's jorizon (ssolitud...
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keditating 9n 5he xontemplation's uorizon (zolitud... kMeditating 9In 5The xContemplation's uHorizon (zsolitud...
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