Mama Cass Elliot
One Way Ticket

Call the village band out
Bid me good bye
Everybody stand outside and cry
Never thought so many
Thought me so dear
I'd be happy any place but here

One way ticket take me anywhere
North bound south bound i don't even care
I know the grass is greener there

People in the city
Leave you alone
Everyday is pretty much your own
One among the many
Year after year
I'd be happy any place but here

One way ticket take me any where
North bound south bound I don't even care
I know the grass is greener there

Look over the passing train
And there I am
No matter were I am
I'm passing through

Chorus x 1
One way ticket take me any where x 2

Mirror lyrics:

One way ticket take me any where x 2
Chorus x 1

I'm passing through
No matter were I am
And there I am
Look over the passing train

I know the grass is greener there
North bound south bound I don't even care
One way ticket take me any where

I'd be happy any place but here
Year after year
One among the many
Everyday is pretty much your own
Leave you alone
People in the city

I know the grass is greener there
North bound south bound i don't even care
One way ticket take me anywhere

I'd be happy any place but here
Thought me so dear
Never thought so many
Everybody stand outside and cry
Bid me good bye
Call the village band out

Relevant Tags:
OOne WWay TTicket ne ay icket nOe aWy iTcket kne aay ficket kOne aWay fTicket Okne Waay Tficket 9ne 3ay 5icket 9One 3Way 5Ticket
O9ne W3ay T5icket 0ne day hicket 0One dWay hTicket O0ne Wday Thicket lne eay yicket lOne eWay yTicket Olne Weay Tyicket ine say 6icket
iOne sWay 6Ticket Oine Wsay T6icket Onne 2ay gicket Oe 2Way gTicket Oen W2ay Tgicket Ome qay ricket Omne qWay rTicket Onme Wqay Tricket
Ohe Tiicket Ohne Wy Tcket Onhe Wya Tciket Oje Wzy Tjcket Ojne Wzay Tjicket Onje Wazy Tijcket Obe Wqy T9cket Obne T9icket
Onbe Waqy Ti9cket Onee Wsy Tlcket On Tlicket One Wasy Tilcket Ons Wwy Tocket Onse Wway Toicket Ones Wawy Tiocket On3 Wxy Tkcket
On3e Wxay Tkicket One3 Waxy Tikcket Onf Wayy T8cket Onfe Wa T8icket Onef Way Ti8cket Onr Wag Tucket Onre Wagy Tuicket Oner Wayg Tiucket
On4 Wah Ticcket On4e Wahy Tiket One4 Wayh Tikcet Ond Wa6 Tifket Onde Wa6y Tifcket Oned Way6 Ticfket Onw Wau Tixket Onwe Wauy Tixcket
Onew Wayu Ticxket Wa7 Tivket Wa7y Tivcket Way7 Ticvket Waj Tidket Wajy Tidcket Wayj Ticdket Wat Tickket

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