Take A Bow

Take a bow, the night is over
This masquerade is getting older
Lights are low, the curtain's down
There's no one here

Say your lines, but do you feel them?
Do you mean what you say
When there's no one around?
Watchin' you, watchin' me
One lonely star

I've always been in love with you
I guess you've always known it's true
You took my love for granted
Why, oh why?
The show is over, say goodbye
Say goodbye, say goodbye

Make them laugh, it comes so easy
When you get to the part
Where your breakin' my heart
Hide behind your smile
All the world loves a clown

Wish you well, I cannot stay
You deserve an award for the role that you play
No more masquerade
You're one lonely star

[Chorus x2]

All the world is a stage
And everyone has their part
But how was I to know which way the story'd go?
How was I to know you'd break
(you'd break, you'd break, you'd break)
You'd break my heart?

I've always been in love with you
Guess you've always known
You took my love for granted
Why, oh why?
The show is over, say goodbye


Say goodbye

Mirror lyrics:

Say goodbye


The show is over, say goodbye
Why, oh why?
You took my love for granted
Guess you've always known
I've always been in love with you

You'd break my heart?
(you'd break, you'd break, you'd break)
How was I to know you'd break
But how was I to know which way the story'd go?
And everyone has their part
All the world is a stage

[Chorus x2]

You're one lonely star
No more masquerade
You deserve an award for the role that you play
Wish you well, I cannot stay

All the world loves a clown
Hide behind your smile
Where your breakin' my heart
When you get to the part
Make them laugh, it comes so easy

Say goodbye, say goodbye
The show is over, say goodbye
Why, oh why?
You took my love for granted
I guess you've always known it's true
I've always been in love with you

One lonely star
Watchin' you, watchin' me
When there's no one around?
Do you mean what you say
Say your lines, but do you feel them?

There's no one here
Lights are low, the curtain's down
This masquerade is getting older
Take a bow, the night is over

Relevant Tags:
TTake AA BBow ake ow aTke A oBw fake z vow fTake zA vBow Tfake Az Bvow 5ake q gow 5Take qA gBow T5ake Aq Bgow hake s now hTake sA nBow
Thake As Bnow yake w how yTake wA hBow Tyake Aw Bhow 6ake x Boow 6Take xA Bw T6ake Ax Bwo gake Bkw gTake Bkow Tgake Bokw rake B9w
rTake B9ow Trake Bo9w Taake B0w Tke B0ow Tkae Bo0w Tzke Blw Tzake Blow Tazke Bolw Tqke Biw Tqake Biow Taqke Boiw
Tske Boww Tsake Bo Taske Bow Twke Boa Twake Boaw Tawke Bowa Txke Bo3 Txake Bo3w Taxke Bow3

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