Miss You

Miss you most of all
When all those autumn leaves start to fall
Drifting by my window
They come up over the wall

Why does a good thing have to do end
Can't see it happen where and when
Cycle of change can be so cruel
I've got no one to blame I'm just a fool, you know

Hold on they keep on telling me
Something good is gonna come
The red and gold has put its spell on? me
And old man winter's gonna come
You know he keeps on blocking off the sun

Miss you most of all
When they burn those bonfires tall
Smoke and ashes fill the air and the
Harvesters are everywhere
No time to waste, let's drink the wine
Don't let the fruit rot on the vine
When the sun is big and fiery it goes, you know
That is the time I miss you the most, they say

Hold on they keep on telling me
Something good is gonna come
The red and gold has put its spell on? me
And old man winter's gonna come
You know he keeps on blocking off the sun

Cold wind is howling and there's
Dampness creeps? in our bones
Seasons change, why didn't we
Come on bring that summer back to me

Hold on they keep on telling me
Something good is gonna come
The red and gold has put its spell on? me
And old man winter's gonna come
You know he keeps on blocking off the sun

Tell me why does he always have to come?

Mirror lyrics:

Tell me why does he always have to come?

You know he keeps on blocking off the sun
And old man winter's gonna come
The red and gold has put its spell on? me
Something good is gonna come
Hold on they keep on telling me

Come on bring that summer back to me
Seasons change, why didn't we
Dampness creeps? in our bones
Cold wind is howling and there's

You know he keeps on blocking off the sun
And old man winter's gonna come
The red and gold has put its spell on? me
Something good is gonna come
Hold on they keep on telling me

That is the time I miss you the most, they say
When the sun is big and fiery it goes, you know
Don't let the fruit rot on the vine
No time to waste, let's drink the wine
Harvesters are everywhere
Smoke and ashes fill the air and the
When they burn those bonfires tall
Miss you most of all

You know he keeps on blocking off the sun
And old man winter's gonna come
The red and gold has put its spell on? me
Something good is gonna come
Hold on they keep on telling me

I've got no one to blame I'm just a fool, you know
Cycle of change can be so cruel
Can't see it happen where and when
Why does a good thing have to do end

They come up over the wall
Drifting by my window
When all those autumn leaves start to fall
Miss you most of all

Relevant Tags:
MMiss YYou iss ou iMss oYu jiss gou jMiss gYou Mjiss Ygou kiss hou kMiss hYou Mkiss Yhou niss 6ou nMiss 6You
Mniss Y6ou Miiss uou Mss uYou Msis Yuou Mjss 7ou 7You Mijss Y7ou M9ss jou M9iss jYou Mi9ss Yjou Mlss tou
Mliss tYou Milss Ytou Moss Yoou Moiss Yu Mioss Yuo Mkss Yku Ykou Mikss Yoku M8ss Y9u M8iss Y9ou Mi8ss Yo9u
Muss Y0u

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