Be Careful With My Heart (duet With Ricky Martin)

(Ricky Martin:)
Be careful with my heart
You could break it
Don't take my love for granted
Things could change

Sometimes I go insane
I play the fool and you'll agree
I'll never be the same
Without you here with me


Cuidado [Please be careful]
Con mi corazon
Me siento
Algo desnuda
Cuidado [Please be careful]
Es mi corazon
Mi corazon

Be careful with my heart
You could break it
Don't take my love for granted
Things could change

Sometimes I go insane
I play the fool and you'll agree
I'll never be the same
Without you here with me


Cuidado [Please be careful]
Con mi corazon
No me lastimes
Cuidado [Please be careful]
Es mi corazon
Mi corazon

(Madonna:) If I could reach out to you
(Ricky Martin:) Nothing will stop me
(Madonna:) Take your head in my hands
(Ricky Martin:) Tell me what would you do
(Madonna:) Kiss your eyes, sing you to sleep
(Ricky Martin:) Your voice sounds like a lullaby
(Madonna:) Here's my heart, this time to keep
(Ricky Martin:) Here's my heart to keep


Mirror lyrics:


(Ricky Martin:) Here's my heart to keep
(Madonna:) Here's my heart, this time to keep
(Ricky Martin:) Your voice sounds like a lullaby
(Madonna:) Kiss your eyes, sing you to sleep
(Ricky Martin:) Tell me what would you do
(Madonna:) Take your head in my hands
(Ricky Martin:) Nothing will stop me
(Madonna:) If I could reach out to you

Mi corazon
Es mi corazon
Cuidado [Please be careful]
No me lastimes
Con mi corazon
Cuidado [Please be careful]


Without you here with me
I'll never be the same
I play the fool and you'll agree
Sometimes I go insane

Things could change
Don't take my love for granted
You could break it
Be careful with my heart

Mi corazon
Es mi corazon
Cuidado [Please be careful]
Algo desnuda
Me siento
Con mi corazon
Cuidado [Please be careful]


Without you here with me
I'll never be the same
I play the fool and you'll agree
Sometimes I go insane

Things could change
Don't take my love for granted
You could break it
Be careful with my heart
(Ricky Martin:)

Relevant Tags:
BBe CCareful WWith MMy HHeart ((duet WWith RRicky MMartin) e areful ith y eart duet ith icky artin) eB aCreful iWth yM eHart d(uet iWth iRcky aMrtin)
ve fareful aith jy jeart (dduet aith dicky jartin) vBe fCareful aWith jMy jHeart (uet aWith dRicky jMartin) Bve Cfareful Waith Mjy Hjeart (udet Waith Rdicky Mjartin)
ge xareful 3ith ky ueart (xuet 3ith 4icky kartin) gBe xCareful 3With kMy uHeart (xduet 3With 4Ricky kMartin) Bge Cxareful W3ith Mky Hueart (dxuet W3ith R4icky Mkartin)
ne vareful dith ny neart (euet dith gicky nartin) nBe vCareful dWith nMy nHeart (eduet dWith gRicky nMartin) Bne Cvareful Wdith Mny Hneart (deuet Wdith Rgicky Mnartin)
he dareful eith Myy beart (fuet eith ticky Maartin) hBe dCareful eWith M bHeart (fduet eWith tRicky Mrtin) Bhe Cdareful Weith My Hbeart (dfuet Weith Rticky Mratin)
Bee Caareful sith Mg geart (ruet sith 5icky Mzrtin) B Creful sWith Mgy gHeart (rduet sWith 5Ricky Mzartin) Be Craeful Wsith Myg Hgeart (druet Wsith R5icky Mazrtin)
Bs Czreful 2ith Mh yeart (cuet 2ith ficky Mqrtin) Bse Czareful 2With Mhy yHeart (cduet 2With fRicky Mqartin) Bes Cazreful W2ith Myh Hyeart (dcuet W2ith Rficky Maqrtin)
B3 Cqreful qith M6 Heeart (suet qith eicky Msrtin) B3e Cqareful qWith M6y Hart (sduet qWith eRicky Msartin) Be3 Caqreful Wqith My6 Haert (dsuet Wqith Reicky Masrtin)
Bf Csreful Wiith Mu Hsart (duuet Wiith Riicky Mwrtin) Bfe Csareful Wth Muy Hseart (det Wth Rcky Mwartin) Bef Casreful Wtih Myu Hesart (deut Wtih Rciky Mawrtin)
Br Cwreful Wjth M7 H3art (dhet Wjth Rjcky Mxrtin) Bre Cwareful Wjith M7y H3eart (dhuet Wjith Rjicky Mxartin) Ber Cawreful Wijth My7 He3art (duhet Wijth Rijcky Maxrtin)
B4 Cxreful W9th Mj Hfart (d7et W9th R9cky Marrtin) B4e W9ith Hfeart (d7uet W9ith R9icky Matin) Be4 Caxreful Wi9th Myj Hefart (du7et Wi9th Ri9cky Matrin)
Bd Carreful Wlth Mt Hrart (dket Wlth Rlcky Madtin) Bde Caeful Wlith Mty Hreart (dkuet Wlith Rlicky Madrtin) Bed Caerful Wilth Myt Herart (duket Wilth Rilcky Mardtin)
Bw Cadeful Woth H4art (diet Woth Rocky Ma4tin) Bwe Cadreful Woith H4eart (diuet Woith Roicky Ma4rtin) Bew Cardeful Wioth He4art (duiet Wioth Riocky Mar4tin)
Ca4eful Wkth Hdart (d8et Wkth Rkcky Magtin) Ca4reful Wkith Hdeart (d8uet Wkith Rkicky Magrtin) Car4eful Wikth Hedart (du8et Wikth Rikcky Margtin)
Cageful W8th Hwart (djet W8th R8cky Mattin) Cagreful W8ith Hweart (djuet W8ith R8icky Matrtin) Cargeful Wi8th Hewart (dujet Wi8th Ri8cky Marttin)
Cateful Wuth Heaart (dyet Wuth Rucky Ma5tin) Catreful Wuith Hert (dyuet Wuith Ruicky Ma5rtin) Carteful Wiuth Herat (duyet Wiuth Riucky Mar5tin)
Ca5eful Witth Hezrt (dueet Witth Riccky Maftin) Ca5reful Wih Hezart (dut Wih Riky Mafrtin) Car5eful Wiht Heazrt (dute Wiht Rikcy Marftin)
Cafeful Wifh Heqrt (dust Wifh Rifky Maetin) Cafreful Wifth Heqart (duset Wifth Rifcky Maertin) Carfeful Witfh Heaqrt (duest Witfh Ricfky Maretin)
Caeeful Wi5h Hesrt (du3t Wi5h Rixky Caereful Wi5th (du3et Wi5th Rixcky Marin) Careeful Wit5h Heasrt (due3t Wit5h Ricxky Maritn)
Wihh Hewrt (duft Wihh Rivky Marfin) Carful Wihth (dufet Wihth Rivcky Carfeul Withh Heawrt (dueft Withh Ricvky Martfin)
Carsful Wiyh Hexrt (durt Wiyh Ridky Mar5in) Carseful Wiyth Hexart (duret Wiyth Ridcky Caresful Wityh Heaxrt (duert Wityh Ricdky Mart5in)
Car3ful Wi6h Hearrt (du4t Wi6h Rickky Marhin)

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