Ain't No Big Deal ('81 And '97 Extended)

Reach out, reach out (repeat 3 times)


Ain't no big deal to say I love you still
Call out my name, I'll be here
Ain't no big deal to say my love is real
When you reach out I'll be there

Please don't be afraid to look me in the eye
Sad time is gone, I got no tears to cry
So don't so say you don't know I'm right
When I say we'll get by


Nobody makes me feel the way that you do
Night time's such a thrill when I spend it with you
Now ask me what is on my mind
So I can tell you true

Ain't no big thing, uh, yeah

Reach out, reach out (repeat 5 times)

Reach out, reach out, yeah (repeat 2 times)
Ain't no big thing, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh
Ain't no big thing, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh


Got love for you so strong it's making me high
Don't know what I'll do if you won't give it a try
So now's the time to make it clear
Let me show you why

Aint no big deal to say I.... love you still

Ain't no big deal, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh
Ain't no big thing, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh

Just reach out
I'll be there (repeat 2 times)
I'll be there, yeah (repeat 3 times)

Reach out, reach out
Reach out, reach out
Reach out, reach out
Reach out

Oh, oh

Ain't no big deal
Ain't no big thing

Ain't no big deal
Ain't no big deal

Ain't no big deal, my love is for real, yow (repeat 5 times)

Oh, what's that you said, baby?

Ain't no big deal, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh
Ain't no big thing, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh
Ain't no big deal, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh
Ain't no big thing, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh
(repeat and fade)

Mirror lyrics:

(repeat and fade)
Ain't no big thing, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh
Ain't no big deal, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh
Ain't no big thing, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh
Ain't no big deal, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh

Oh, what's that you said, baby?

Ain't no big deal, my love is for real, yow (repeat 5 times)

Ain't no big deal
Ain't no big deal

Ain't no big thing
Ain't no big deal

Oh, oh

Reach out
Reach out, reach out
Reach out, reach out
Reach out, reach out

I'll be there, yeah (repeat 3 times)
I'll be there (repeat 2 times)
Just reach out

Ain't no big thing, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh
Ain't no big deal, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh

Aint no big deal to say I.... love you still

Let me show you why
So now's the time to make it clear
Don't know what I'll do if you won't give it a try
Got love for you so strong it's making me high


Ain't no big thing, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh
Ain't no big thing, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh
Reach out, reach out, yeah (repeat 2 times)

Reach out, reach out (repeat 5 times)

Ain't no big thing, uh, yeah

So I can tell you true
Now ask me what is on my mind
Night time's such a thrill when I spend it with you
Nobody makes me feel the way that you do


When I say we'll get by
So don't so say you don't know I'm right
Sad time is gone, I got no tears to cry
Please don't be afraid to look me in the eye

When you reach out I'll be there
Ain't no big deal to say my love is real
Call out my name, I'll be here
Ain't no big deal to say I love you still


Reach out, reach out (repeat 3 times)

Relevant Tags:
AAin't NNo BBig DDeal (('81 AAnd ''97 EExtended) in't o ig eal '81 nd 97 xtended) iAn't oN iBg eDal '(81 nAd 9'7 xEtended)
zin't mo vig xeal (''81 znd '997 sxtended) zAin't mNo vBig xDeal (81 zAnd '7 sExtended) Azin't Nmo Bvig Dxeal (8'1 Aznd '79 Esxtended)
qin't ho gig eeal ('881 qnd '07 3xtended) qAin't hNo gBig eDeal ('1 qAnd '097 3Extended) Aqin't Nho Bgig Deeal ('18 Aqnd '907 E3xtended)
sin't jo nig feal ('91 snd 'i7 fxtended) sAin't jNo nBig fDeal ('981 sAnd 'i97 fExtended) Asin't Njo Bnig Dfeal ('891 Asnd '9i7 Efxtended)
win't bo hig real ('u1 wnd 'o7 rxtended) wAin't bNo hBig rDeal ('u81 wAnd 'o97 rExtended) Awin't Nbo Bhig Dreal ('8u1 Awnd '9o7 Erxtended)
xin't Noo Biig ceal ('i1 xnd '87 4xtended) xAin't N Bg cDeal ('i81 xAnd '897 4Extended) Axin't No Bgi Dceal ('8i1 Axnd '987 E4xtended)
Aiin't Nk Bjg seal ('71 Annd '977 dxtended) An't Nko Bjig sDeal ('781 Ad '9 dExtended) Ani't Nok Bijg Dseal ('871 Adn '97 Edxtended)
Ajn't N9 B9g ('811 Amd '98 wxtended) Ajin't N9o B9ig Dal ('8 Amnd wExtended) Aijn't No9 Bi9g Dael ('81 Anmd '978 Ewxtended)
A9n't N0 Blg Dsal ('82 Ahd '9y Exxtended) A9in't N0o Blig ('821 Ahnd '9y7 Etended) Ai9n't No0 Bilg Desal ('812 Anhd '97y Etxended)
Aln't Nl Bog D3al ('8q Ajd '9u Edtended) Alin't Nlo Boig D3eal ('8q1 Ajnd '9u7 Ailn't Nol Biog De3al ('81q Anjd '97u Exdtended)
Aon't Ni Bkg Dfal Abd '96 Eztended) Aoin't Nio Bkig Abnd '967 Ezxtended) Aion't Noi Bikg Defal Anbd '976 Exztended)
Akn't B8g Dral Andd Ectended) Akin't B8ig An Ecxtended) Aikn't Bi8g Deral And Exctended)
A8n't Bug D4al Anx Estended) A8in't Buig D4eal Anxd Ai8n't Biug De4al Andx Exstended)
Aun't Bigg Ddal Ane Exttended) Auin't Bi Ddeal Aned Exended) Aiun't Big Dedal Ande Exetnded)
Ainn't Bih Dwal Anf Exfended) Ai't Bihg Dweal Anfd Exftended) Ai'nt Bigh Dewal Andf Extfended)
Aim't Biy Deaal Anr Ex5ended) Aimn't Biyg Del Anrd Ex5tended) Ainm't Bigy Dela Andr Ext5ended)
Aih't Bib Dezl Anc Exhended) Aihn't Bibg Dezal Ancd Exhtended) Ainh't Bigb Deazl Andc Exthended)
Aij't Biv Deql Ans Exyended) Bivg Deqal Ansd Exytended) Ainj't Bigv Deaql Ands Extyended)
Aib't Bif Desl Ex6ended) Aibn't Bifg Ex6tended) Ainb't Bigf Deasl Ext6ended)
Ain''t Bit Dewl Exgended) Aint Bitg Exgtended) Aint' Bigt Deawl Extgended)
Ain'tt Dexl Exrended) Ain' Dexal Exrtended) Ain't Deaxl Extrended)
Ain'f Deall Exteended) Ain'ft Dea Extnded) Ain'tf Deal Extneded)
Ain'5 Deak Extsnded) Ain'5t Deakl Extsended) Ain't5 Dealk Extesnded)
Ain'h Deao Ext3nded) Ain'ht Deaol Ext3ended) Ain'th Dealo Exte3nded)
Ain'y Deap Extfnded) Ain'yt Deapl Ain'ty Dealp Extefnded)
Ain'6 Extrnded) Ain'6t Ain't6 Externded)
Ain'g Ext4nded)

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