House Of Fun

good morning miss
can i help you son?
sixteen today and up for fun
i'm a big boy now or so they say
so if you'll serve me i'll be on my way

box of balloons, with the featherlight touch
pack of party poppers, that pop in the night
a toothbrush and hairspray, plastic grin
Mrs Clay on the corner has just walked in

welcome to the house of fun
now i've come of age
welcome to the house of fun
welcome to the lion's den, temptation's on it's way
welcome to the house of...

n-n-n-n-no, no Miss, you misunderstood
sixteen, big boy, full pint in my manhood
i'm up to date and the date's today
so if your'll serve me i'll be on my way

welcome to the house of fun
now i've come of age
welcome to the lion's den, temptation's on it's way
welcome to the house of... fun

i'm sorry son, but we don't stock party gimmicks in this shop
try 'The House Of Fun' it's quicker if you run
this is a chemist, not a joke shop

party hats, simple enough clear
comprehend savvy understand
do you hear?
a pack or party hats with the coloured tips
too late gorgon has heard gossip

well hello Joe
hello Miss Clay
many happy returns from the day

welcome to the house of fun
now i've come of age
welcome to the house of fun
welcome to the lion's den, temptation's on it's way
welcome to the house of fun
welcome to the house of fun, now ive come of age
welcome to the house of fun

Mirror lyrics:

welcome to the house of fun
welcome to the house of fun, now ive come of age
welcome to the house of fun
welcome to the lion's den, temptation's on it's way
welcome to the house of fun
now i've come of age
welcome to the house of fun

many happy returns from the day
hello Miss Clay
well hello Joe

too late gorgon has heard gossip
a pack or party hats with the coloured tips
do you hear?
comprehend savvy understand
party hats, simple enough clear

this is a chemist, not a joke shop
try 'The House Of Fun' it's quicker if you run
i'm sorry son, but we don't stock party gimmicks in this shop

welcome to the house of... fun
welcome to the lion's den, temptation's on it's way
now i've come of age
welcome to the house of fun

so if your'll serve me i'll be on my way
i'm up to date and the date's today
sixteen, big boy, full pint in my manhood
n-n-n-n-no, no Miss, you misunderstood

welcome to the house of...
welcome to the lion's den, temptation's on it's way
welcome to the house of fun
now i've come of age
welcome to the house of fun

Mrs Clay on the corner has just walked in
a toothbrush and hairspray, plastic grin
pack of party poppers, that pop in the night
box of balloons, with the featherlight touch

so if you'll serve me i'll be on my way
i'm a big boy now or so they say
sixteen today and up for fun
can i help you son?
good morning miss

Relevant Tags:
HHouse OOf FFun ouse f un oHuse fO uFn jouse kf cun jHouse kOf cFun Hjouse Okf Fcun uouse 9f run uHouse 9Of rFun Huouse O9f Frun
nouse 0f gun nHouse 0Of gFun Hnouse O0f Fgun bouse lf tun bHouse lOf tFun Hbouse Olf Ftun gouse if vun gHouse iOf vFun Hgouse Oif Fvun
youse Off dun yHouse O dFun Hyouse Of Fdun Hoouse Oc Fuun Huse Ocf Fn Huose Ofc Fnu Hkuse Or Fhn Hkouse Orf Fhun Hokuse Ofr Fuhn
H9use Og F7n H9ouse Ogf F7un Ho9use Ofg Fu7n H0use Ot Fkn H0ouse Otf Fkun Ho0use Oft Fukn Hluse Ov Fin Hlouse Ovf Fiun Holuse Ofv Fuin
Hiuse Od F8n Hiouse Odf F8un Hoiuse Ofd Fu8n Houuse Fjn Hose Fjun Hosue Fujn Hohse Fyn Hohuse Fyun Houhse Fuyn
Ho7se Funn Ho7use Fu Hou7se Fun Hokse Fum Fumn Houkse Funm

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