(waiting For The) Ghost Train

A straw headed woman
and a barrel chested man.
A pocket full of posies
and a hat brim full of sand.
Ooh oo-oo-oh,
waiting for the train that never comes.

A dog chasing the tumbleweeds
across the sandy floor.
Adrift along the platform
through the ticket office door.

Ooh oo-oo-oh,
waiting for the train that never comes.
Ooh oo-oo-oh,
waiting for the train that never comes.

But don't tell me there's nothing coming,
you don't fool me.
I hear the ghost train rumbling
along the track to set them free.
And I hear them

It's black and white don't try to hide it.
It's black and white don't try to hide it.

The Stationmaster's writing
with a piece of orange chalk.
A hundred cancellations
still noone wants to walk.
Keep the hungry children
From the skeletons in the van.
Aim to keep an eye out
for the gypsy caravan

Ooh oo-oo-oh,
waiting for the train that never comes.
Ooh oo-oo-oh,
waiting for the train that never comes.

I hear the ghost train rumbling
along the track to set them free.
And I hear them

It's black and white don't try to hide it.

Mirror lyrics:

It's black and white don't try to hide it.

And I hear them
along the track to set them free.
I hear the ghost train rumbling

waiting for the train that never comes.
Ooh oo-oo-oh,
waiting for the train that never comes.
Ooh oo-oo-oh,

for the gypsy caravan
Aim to keep an eye out
From the skeletons in the van.
Keep the hungry children
still noone wants to walk.
A hundred cancellations
with a piece of orange chalk.
The Stationmaster's writing

It's black and white don't try to hide it.
It's black and white don't try to hide it.

And I hear them
along the track to set them free.
I hear the ghost train rumbling
you don't fool me.
But don't tell me there's nothing coming,

waiting for the train that never comes.
Ooh oo-oo-oh,
waiting for the train that never comes.
Ooh oo-oo-oh,

through the ticket office door.
Adrift along the platform
across the sandy floor.
A dog chasing the tumbleweeds

waiting for the train that never comes.
Ooh oo-oo-oh,
and a hat brim full of sand.
A pocket full of posies
and a barrel chested man.
A straw headed woman

Relevant Tags:
((waiting FFor TThe) GGhost TTrain waiting or he) host rain w(aiting oFr hTe) hGost rTain (wwaiting cor fhe) hhost frain (aiting cFor fThe) hGhost fTrain
(awiting Fcor Tfhe) Ghhost Tfrain (aaiting ror 5he) yhost 5rain (awaiting rFor 5The) yGhost 5Train (waaiting Fror T5he) Gyhost T5rain (3aiting gor hhe) bhost hrain
(3waiting gFor hThe) bGhost hTrain (w3aiting Fgor Thhe) Gbhost Thrain (daiting tor yhe) vhost yrain (dwaiting tFor yThe) vGhost yTrain (wdaiting Ftor Tyhe) Gvhost Tyrain
(eaiting vor 6he) fhost 6rain (ewaiting vFor 6The) fGhost 6Train (weaiting Fvor T6he) Gfhost T6rain (saiting dor ghe) thost grain (swaiting dFor gThe) tGhost gTrain
(wsaiting Fdor Tghe) Gthost Tgrain (2aiting Foor rhe) rrain (2waiting Fr rThe) Gost rTrain (w2aiting Fro Trhe) Gohst Trrain (qaiting Fkr Gjost
(qwaiting Fkor Te) Gjhost Tain (wqaiting Fokr Teh) Ghjost Tarin F9r Tje) Guost Tdain (witing F9or Tjhe) Guhost Tdrain (wiating Fo9r Thje) Ghuost Trdain
(wziting F0r Tue) Gnost T4ain (wzaiting F0or Tuhe) Gnhost T4rain (waziting Fo0r Thue) Ghnost Tr4ain (wqiting Flr Tne) Gbost Tgain Flor Tnhe)
(waqiting Folr Thne) Ghbost Trgain (wsiting Fir Tbe) Ggost Ttain Fior Tbhe) Gghost Ttrain (wasiting Foir Thbe) Ghgost Trtain (wwiting Forr Tge) Gyost T5ain
Fo (wawiting For Thge) Ghyost Tr5ain (wxiting Fod Tye) Ghoost Tfain (wxaiting Fodr Ghst (waxiting Ford Thye) Ghsot Trfain
(waiiting Fo4 Thee) Ghkst Teain (wating Fo4r Th) Ghkost Terain (watiing For4 Th)e Ghokst Treain (wajting Fog Ths) Gh9st Traain (wajiting Fogr Thse) Gh9ost Trin
(waijting Forg Thes) Gho9st Trian (wa9ting Fot Th3) Gh0st Trzin (wa9iting Fotr Th3e) Gh0ost Trzain (wai9ting Fort The3) Gho0st Trazin (walting Fo5 Thf) Ghlst Trqin
(waliting Fo5r Thfe) Ghlost Trqain (wailting For5 Thef) Gholst Traqin (waoting Fof Thr) Ghist Trsin (waoiting Fofr Thre) Ghiost Trsain (waioting Forf Ther) Ghoist Trasin
(wakting Foe Th4) Ghosst Trwin (wakiting Foer Th4e) Ghot Trwain (waikting Fore The4) Ghots Trawin (wa8ting Thd) Ghozt Trxin (wa8iting Thde) Ghozst Trxain
(wai8ting Thed) Ghoszt Traxin (wauting Thw) Ghowt Traiin (wauiting Thwe) Ghowst Tran (waiuting Thew) Ghoswt Trani (waitting The)) Ghodt Trajn
(waiing The Ghodst Trajin (waiitng The) Ghosdt Traijn (waifing Ghoet Tra9n

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