Mandy Moore
Telephone (interlude)

(phone ringing)
(Answering Machine)
Hey Guys, What's up? It's Mandy, I'm not here.
Here comes the beep , you know what to do.
Mandy, it's Bonnie. I heard what happened.
Call me. Bye.

Mirror lyrics:

Call me. Bye.
Mandy, it's Bonnie. I heard what happened.
Here comes the beep , you know what to do.
Hey Guys, What's up? It's Mandy, I'm not here.
(Answering Machine)
(phone ringing)

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TTelephone ((interlude) elephone interlude) eTlephone i(nterlude) felephone (iinterlude) fTelephone (nterlude) Tfelephone (niterlude)
5elephone (jnterlude) 5Telephone (jinterlude) T5elephone (ijnterlude) helephone (9nterlude) hTelephone (9interlude) Thelephone (i9nterlude)
yelephone (lnterlude) yTelephone (linterlude) Tyelephone (ilnterlude) 6elephone (onterlude) 6Telephone (ointerlude) T6elephone (ionterlude)
gelephone (knterlude) gTelephone (kinterlude) Tgelephone (iknterlude) relephone (8nterlude) rTelephone (8interlude) Trelephone (i8nterlude)
Teelephone (unterlude) Tlephone (uinterlude) Tleephone (iunterlude) Tslephone (innterlude) Tselephone (iterlude) Teslephone (itnerlude)
T3lephone (imterlude) T3elephone (imnterlude) Te3lephone (inmterlude) Tflephone (ihterlude) (ihnterlude) Teflephone (inhterlude)
Trlephone (ijterlude) Terlephone (injterlude) T4lephone (ibterlude) T4elephone (ibnterlude) Te4lephone (inbterlude) Tdlephone (intterlude)
Tdelephone (inerlude) Tedlephone (inetrlude) Twlephone (inferlude) Twelephone (infterlude) Tewlephone (intferlude) Tellephone (in5erlude)
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Teldephone Teledphone (interrlude) Telwphone (int4rlude) Telwephone (int4erlude) Telewphone (inte4rlude) Telepphone (intdrlude)
Telehone (intderlude) Telehpone (intedrlude) Tele0hone (intwrlude) Tele0phone (intwerlude) Telep0hone (intewrlude) Telelhone
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