Mandy Barnett
What's Good For You

(Kostas - Kelly Willis)

My heart of hearts stay true to me
Don't be swayed so easily
I walk the line come running round
Driving my love in to the ground.

What's good for you ain't good for me
Can't have this pain and misery
Take me to heart or set me free
What's good for you ain't good for me.

--- Instrumental ---

So baby please make up your mind
Cause it hurts too much this time
I can't go on with you this way
It's time to go or time to stay.

What's good for you ain't good for me
Can't have this pain and misery
Take me to heart or set me free
What's good for you ain't good for me.

Take me to heart or set me free
What's good for you ain't good for me.

Mirror lyrics:

What's good for you ain't good for me.
Take me to heart or set me free

What's good for you ain't good for me.
Take me to heart or set me free
Can't have this pain and misery
What's good for you ain't good for me

It's time to go or time to stay.
I can't go on with you this way
Cause it hurts too much this time
So baby please make up your mind

--- Instrumental ---

What's good for you ain't good for me.
Take me to heart or set me free
Can't have this pain and misery
What's good for you ain't good for me

Driving my love in to the ground.
I walk the line come running round
Don't be swayed so easily
My heart of hearts stay true to me

(Kostas - Kelly Willis)

Relevant Tags:
WWhat's GGood FFor YYou hat's ood or ou hWat's oGod oFr oYu ahat's hood cor gou aWhat's hGood cFor gYou Wahat's Ghood Fcor Ygou
3hat's yood ror hou 3What's yGood rFor hYou W3hat's Gyood Fror Yhou dhat's bood gor 6ou dWhat's bGood gFor 6You Wdhat's Gbood Fgor Y6ou
ehat's vood tor uou eWhat's vGood tFor uYou Wehat's Gvood Ftor Yuou shat's food vor 7ou sWhat's fGood vFor 7You Wshat's Gfood Fvor Y7ou
2hat's tood dor jou 2What's tGood dFor jYou W2hat's Gtood Fdor Yjou qhat's Goood Foor tou qWhat's God Fr tYou Wqhat's Good Fro Ytou
Whhat's Gkod Fkr Yoou Wat's Gkood Fkor Yu Waht's Gokod Fokr Yuo Wjat's G9od F9r Yku Wjhat's G9ood F9or Ykou Whjat's Go9od Fo9r Yoku
Wuat's G0od F0r Y9u Wuhat's G0ood F0or Y9ou Whuat's Go0od Fo0r Yo9u Wnat's Glod Flr Y0u Wnhat's Glood Flor Y0ou Whnat's Golod Folr Yo0u
Wbat's Giod Fir Ylu Wbhat's Giood Fior Ylou Whbat's Goiod Foir Yolu Wgat's Forr Yiu Wghat's Fo Yiou Whgat's Godo For Yoiu
Wyat's Gokd Fod Youu Wyhat's Fodr Yo Whyat's Gookd Ford You Whaat's Go9d Fo4 Yoh Wht's Fo4r Yohu Whta's Goo9d For4 Youh
Whzt's Go0d Fog Yo7 Whzat's Fogr Yo7u Whazt's Goo0d Forg You7 Whqt's Gold Fot Yok Whqat's Fotr Whaqt's Goold Fort Youk
Whst's Goid Fo5 Yoi Whsat's Fo5r

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