Mandisa Bardill
Not Guilty

Verse 1:
I stand accused, there's a list a mile long
Of all my sins, of everything that I've done wrong
I'm so ashamed, there's nowhere left for me to hide
This is the day, I must answer for my life
My fate is in the Judges hands,
But then he turns to me and says

I know you, I love you
I gave my life, to save you
Love paid the price for mercy
My verdict, not guilty

Verse 2:
How can it be, I cannot begin to comprehend
What kind of Grace would take the place for all my sins
I stand in awe, now that I have been set free
And the tears well up, as I look at that Cross
'Cause it should've been me
My fate was in the nail scarred hands,
He stretched them out for me and said...

I know you, I love you
I gave my life, to save you
Love paid the price, for Mercy
My verdict, not guilty

I'm falling on my knees to thank You
With everything I am, I praise You
So grateful for the words I heard you say

I know you, I love you
I gave my life...
I know you, I love you
I gave my life, just to save you
Love paid the price, for Mercy
My verdict is, not guilty
Love paid the price, for Mercy
My verdict, not guilty ... not guilty

Mirror lyrics:

My verdict, not guilty ... not guilty
Love paid the price, for Mercy
My verdict is, not guilty
Love paid the price, for Mercy
I gave my life, just to save you
I know you, I love you
I gave my life...
I know you, I love you

So grateful for the words I heard you say
With everything I am, I praise You
I'm falling on my knees to thank You

My verdict, not guilty
Love paid the price, for Mercy
I gave my life, to save you
I know you, I love you

He stretched them out for me and said...
My fate was in the nail scarred hands,
'Cause it should've been me
And the tears well up, as I look at that Cross
I stand in awe, now that I have been set free
What kind of Grace would take the place for all my sins
How can it be, I cannot begin to comprehend
Verse 2:

My verdict, not guilty
Love paid the price for mercy
I gave my life, to save you
I know you, I love you

But then he turns to me and says
My fate is in the Judges hands,
This is the day, I must answer for my life
I'm so ashamed, there's nowhere left for me to hide
Of all my sins, of everything that I've done wrong
I stand accused, there's a list a mile long
Verse 1:

Relevant Tags:
NNot GGuilty ot uilty oNt uGilty mot huilty mNot hGuilty Nmot Ghuilty hot yuilty hNot yGuilty Nhot Gyuilty jot builty jNot bGuilty
Njot Gbuilty bot vuilty bNot vGuilty Nbot Gvuilty Noot fuilty Nt fGuilty Nto Gfuilty Nkt tuilty Nkot tGuilty Nokt Gtuilty N9t Guuilty
N9ot Gilty No9t Giulty N0t Ghilty N0ot No0t Guhilty Nlt G7ilty Nlot G7uilty Nolt Gu7ilty Nit Gkilty Niot Gkuilty Noit Gukilty
Nott Giilty No Giuilty Not Guiilty Nof G8ilty Noft G8uilty Notf Gu8ilty No5 Gjilty No5t Gjuilty Not5 Gujilty Noh Gyilty Noht
Noth Guyilty Noy Noyt Gulty Noty Gulity No6 Gujlty No6t Not6 Guijlty Nog Gu9lty Nogt Gu9ilty Notg Gui9lty Nor Gullty
Nort Gulilty Notr Guillty

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