Aria Of Bravery

[based on the forthcoming novel "Sword And Sorcery"
by Tarek "MS" Maghary]

Once in a while a warrior cries for the battle.

Once in a while a warrior cries for the steel.

Prays to the gods for strength to go on on his journey.

Riding away, leaving his people behind.

He's holding his sword up with magic,

A warrior of steel is rising high:

"I ride the sky, I rule the night

Till I am free, with sword and sorcery.

The gods look down, hear battle sound.

I carry on, until the fight is won.

Brothers (we're) riding to the north tonight,

where thy magic flows and eagles fly.

Where eagles fly.

I ride proud and wild, out of my way or you're falling.

They look at my face and hail me when I'm passing by.

I'm holding my sword up with magic.

I'm a warrior of steel I'm rising high.

I ride the sky, I rule the night

Till I am free, with sword and sorcery.

The gods look down, hear battle sound.

I carry on, until the fight is won.

Brothers, (we're) riding to the north tonight,

where thy magic flows and eagles fly.

Where eagles fly.

Through the seas and through the sky,

Over mountains oh so high. What shall come?

Magic flows inside my veins,

With iron will I'll break the chains. Face the storm.

Voices calling from the north,

Tell me to fulfil the oath I have sworn

See the enemies I kill,

Oh I drink the blood I spill to stay strong."

Voices calling from the North

Mirror lyrics:

Voices calling from the North

Oh I drink the blood I spill to stay strong."

See the enemies I kill,

Tell me to fulfil the oath I have sworn

Voices calling from the north,

With iron will I'll break the chains. Face the storm.

Magic flows inside my veins,

Over mountains oh so high. What shall come?

Through the seas and through the sky,

Where eagles fly.

where thy magic flows and eagles fly.

Brothers, (we're) riding to the north tonight,

I carry on, until the fight is won.

The gods look down, hear battle sound.

Till I am free, with sword and sorcery.

I ride the sky, I rule the night

I'm a warrior of steel I'm rising high.

I'm holding my sword up with magic.

They look at my face and hail me when I'm passing by.

I ride proud and wild, out of my way or you're falling.

Where eagles fly.

where thy magic flows and eagles fly.

Brothers (we're) riding to the north tonight,

I carry on, until the fight is won.

The gods look down, hear battle sound.

Till I am free, with sword and sorcery.

"I ride the sky, I rule the night

A warrior of steel is rising high:

He's holding his sword up with magic,

Riding away, leaving his people behind.

Prays to the gods for strength to go on on his journey.

Once in a while a warrior cries for the steel.

Once in a while a warrior cries for the battle.

by Tarek "MS" Maghary]
[based on the forthcoming novel "Sword And Sorcery"

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AAria OOf BBravery ria f ravery rAia fO rBavery zria kf vravery zAria kOf vBravery Azria Okf Bvravery qria 9f gravery
qAria 9Of gBravery Aqria O9f Bgravery sria 0f nravery sAria 0Of nBravery Asria O0f Bnravery wria lf hravery wAria lOf hBravery
Awria Olf Bhravery xria if Brravery xAria iOf Bavery Axria Oif Barvery Arria Off Bdavery Aia O Bdravery Aira Of Brdavery
Adia Oc B4avery Adria Ocf B4ravery Ardia Ofc Br4avery A4ia Or Bgavery A4ria Orf Ar4ia Ofr Brgavery Agia Og Btavery
Agria Ogf Btravery Argia Ofg Brtavery Atia Ot B5avery Atria Otf B5ravery Artia Oft Br5avery A5ia Ov Bfavery A5ria Ovf Bfravery
Ar5ia Ofv Brfavery Afia Od Beavery Afria Odf Beravery Arfia Ofd Breavery Aeia Braavery Aeria Brvery Areia Brvaery
Ariia Brzvery Ara Brzavery Arai Brazvery Arja Brqvery Arjia Brqavery Arija Braqvery Ar9a Brsvery
Ar9ia Brsavery Ari9a Brasvery Arla Brwvery Arlia Brwavery Arila Brawvery Aroa Brxvery Aroia Brxavery
Arioa Braxvery Arka Bravvery Arkia Braery Arika Braevry Ar8a Brabery Ar8ia Brabvery Ari8a Bravbery
Arua Bracery Aruia Bracvery Ariua Bravcery Ariaa Bragery Ari Bragvery

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