Maire Brennan
Hard To Break The Seal

Hard to break the seal
So hard to lose we feel

Shake the sacred side we keep
Open future ways

Show me your love

Climb the road to faith
We move with love not hate
Build the bridge across this land
Time to dust away

Show me your love

Wise to understand
Be wise to give your hand
Sing and pray in unison
Sing your name today

Show me your love

Mirror lyrics:

Show me your love

Sing your name today
Sing and pray in unison
Be wise to give your hand
Wise to understand

Show me your love

Time to dust away
Build the bridge across this land
We move with love not hate
Climb the road to faith

Show me your love

Open future ways
Shake the sacred side we keep

So hard to lose we feel
Hard to break the seal

Relevant Tags:
HHard TTo BBreak TThe SSeal ard o reak he eal aHrd oT rBeak hTe eSal jard fo vreak fhe zeal jHard fTo vBreak fThe zSeal Hjard Tfo Bvreak Tfhe Szeal
uard 5o greak 5he weal uHard 5To gBreak 5The wSeal Huard T5o Bgreak T5he Sweal nard ho nreak hhe deal nHard hTo nBreak hThe dSeal Hnard Tho Bnreak Thhe Sdeal
bard yo hreak yhe eeal bHard yTo hBreak yThe eSeal Hbard Tyo Bhreak Tyhe Seeal gard 6o Brreak 6he xeal gHard 6To Beak 6The xSeal Hgard T6o Berak T6he Sxeal
yard go Bdeak ghe aeal yHard gTo Bdreak gThe aSeal Hyard Tgo Brdeak Tghe Saeal Haard ro B4eak rhe Hrd rTo B4reak rThe Sal Hrad Tro Br4eak Trhe Sael
Hzrd Too Bgeak Ssal Hzard T Te Sseal Hazrd To Brgeak Teh Sesal Hqrd Tk Bteak Tje S3al Hqard Tko Btreak Tjhe S3eal Haqrd Tok Brteak Thje Se3al
Hsrd T9 B5eak Tue Sfal Hsard T9o B5reak Tuhe Sfeal Hasrd To9 Br5eak Thue Sefal Hwrd T0 Bfeak Tne Sral Hward T0o Bfreak Tnhe Sreal Hawrd To0 Brfeak Thne Seral
Hxrd Tl Beeak Tbe S4al Hxard Tlo Bereak Tbhe S4eal Haxrd Tol Breeak Thbe Se4al Harrd Ti Tge Sdal Had Tio Brak Hadr Toi Braek Thge Sedal
Hadd Brsak Tye Swal Hadrd Brseak Hardd Bresak Thye Sewal Ha4d Br3ak Thee Seaal

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