Grey Lantern

Look, frankly you're a star tonight
Standing under grey light when I left you
You're watching from afar tonight
You've just become a sight for sore eyes now, yeah

Oh, you've come off the juice
You're sick of all this aural abuse, yeah

Hold the lantern, behold the lantern

Look, frankly you're a freak tonight
You'd stand under my light if I let you
You're looking quite aloof tonight
I'm feeling out of breath since I left you, oh yeah

Oh, freezing to touch you, stand in lantern light
Oh, touch you, beside you, it's greyer than at night

Mirror lyrics:

Oh, touch you, beside you, it's greyer than at night
Oh, freezing to touch you, stand in lantern light

I'm feeling out of breath since I left you, oh yeah
You're looking quite aloof tonight
You'd stand under my light if I let you
Look, frankly you're a freak tonight

Hold the lantern, behold the lantern

You're sick of all this aural abuse, yeah
Oh, you've come off the juice

You've just become a sight for sore eyes now, yeah
You're watching from afar tonight
Standing under grey light when I left you
Look, frankly you're a star tonight

Relevant Tags:
GGrey LLantern rey antern rGey aLntern hrey kantern hGrey kLantern Ghrey Lkantern yrey oantern yGrey oLantern Gyrey Loantern
brey pantern bGrey pLantern Gbrey Lpantern vrey Laantern vGrey Lntern Gvrey Lnatern frey Lzntern fGrey Lzantern Gfrey Lazntern
trey Lqntern tGrey Lqantern Gtrey Laqntern Grrey Lsntern Gey Lsantern Gery Lasntern Gdey Lwntern Gdrey Lwantern Grdey Lawntern
G4ey Lxntern G4rey Lxantern Gr4ey Laxntern Ggey Lanntern Ggrey Latern Grgey Latnern Gtey Lamtern Lamntern Grtey Lanmtern
G5ey Lahtern G5rey Lahntern Gr5ey Lanhtern Gfey Lajtern Lajntern Grfey Lanjtern Geey Labtern Gerey Labntern Greey Lanbtern
Lanttern Gry Lanern Grye Lanetrn Grsy Lanfern Grsey Lanftern Gresy Lantfern Gr3y Lan5ern Gr3ey Lan5tern Gre3y Lant5ern
Grfy Lanhern Grefy Lanthern Grry Lanyern Lanytern Grery Lantyern Gr4y Lan6ern Lan6tern

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