Madeleine Peyroux
Half The Perfect World

Every night he'd come to me
I'd cook for him, I'd pour his tea
I was in my thirties then
Had made some money, lived with men

We'd lay us down to give and get
Beneath the white mosquito net
And since no counting had begun
We lived a thousand years in one

The candles burned
The moon went down
The polished hill
The milky town
Transparent, weightless, luminous
Uncovering the two of us
On that fundamental ground
Where love's unwilled, unleashed, unbound
And half the perfect world is found

The candles burned
The moon went down
The polished hill
The milky town
Transparent, weightless, luminous
Uncovering the two of us
On that fundamental ground
Where love's unwilled, unleashed, unbound
And half the perfect world is found

Mirror lyrics:

And half the perfect world is found
Where love's unwilled, unleashed, unbound
On that fundamental ground
Uncovering the two of us
Transparent, weightless, luminous
The milky town
The polished hill
The moon went down
The candles burned

And half the perfect world is found
Where love's unwilled, unleashed, unbound
On that fundamental ground
Uncovering the two of us
Transparent, weightless, luminous
The milky town
The polished hill
The moon went down
The candles burned

We lived a thousand years in one
And since no counting had begun
Beneath the white mosquito net
We'd lay us down to give and get

Had made some money, lived with men
I was in my thirties then
I'd cook for him, I'd pour his tea
Every night he'd come to me

Relevant Tags:
HHalf TThe PPerfect WWorld alf he erfect orld aHlf hTe ePrfect oWrld jalf fhe 0erfect aorld jHalf fThe 0Perfect aWorld Hjalf Tfhe P0erfect Waorld
ualf 5he lerfect 3orld uHalf 5The lPerfect 3World Hualf T5he Plerfect W3orld nalf hhe oerfect dorld nHalf hThe oPerfect dWorld Hnalf Thhe Poerfect Wdorld
balf yhe Peerfect eorld bHalf yThe Prfect eWorld Hbalf Tyhe Prefect Weorld galf 6he Psrfect sorld gHalf 6The Pserfect sWorld Hgalf T6he Pesrfect Wsorld
yalf ghe P3rfect 2orld yHalf gThe P3erfect 2World Hyalf Tghe Pe3rfect W2orld Haalf rhe Pfrfect qorld Hlf rThe Pferfect qWorld Hlaf Trhe Pefrfect Wqorld
Hzlf Prrfect Woorld Hzalf Te Prerfect Wrld Hazlf Teh Perrfect Wrold Hqlf Tje P4rfect Wkrld Hqalf Tjhe P4erfect Wkorld Haqlf Thje Pe4rfect Wokrld
Hslf Tue Pdrfect W9rld Hsalf Tuhe Pderfect W9orld Haslf Thue Pedrfect Wo9rld Hwlf Tne Pwrfect W0rld Hwalf Tnhe Pwerfect W0orld Hawlf Thne Pewrfect Wo0rld
Hxlf Tbe Wlrld Hxalf Tbhe Pefect Wlorld Haxlf Thbe Pefrect Wolrld Hallf Tge Pedfect Wirld Haf Wiorld Hafl Thge Perdfect Woirld
Hakf Tye Pe4fect Worrld Haklf Wold Halkf Thye Per4fect Wolrd Haof Thee Pegfect Wodld Haolf Th Pegrfect Wodrld Halof The Pergfect Wordld
Hapf Ths Petfect Wo4ld Haplf Thse Petrfect Wo4rld Halpf Thes Pertfect Wor4ld Halff Th3 Pe5fect Wogld Hal Th3e Pe5rfect Wogrld Half The3 Per5fect Worgld
Halc Thf Peffect Wotld Halcf Thfe Wotrld Halfc Thef Perffect Wortld Halr Thr Peefect Wo5ld Halrf Thre Wo5rld Halfr Ther Perefect Wor5ld
Halg Th4 Wofld Halgf Th4e Perect Wofrld Halfg The4 Perefct Worfld Halt Thd Percect Woeld

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