Mad At Gravity
Run For Cover

Bleed to the malls of today
Each prick with
A needle
Carries the sacred away
The structure
That feeds us
Now comes with a concession tray

Time spent spending for the times leaves you worthless
Cry for reason over rhyme and you run for cover

Replacement's American eyes
The burden
Of function
Is soothed by the greatest of buys
The hidden
Is plain when the battery dies

Time spent spending for the times leaves you worthless
Cry for reason over rhyme and you run for cover

I've got no class
But I've got cash
I've got no class
But I've got cash
I can't afford
To be so bored

I've got no class
But I've got cash
I can't afford
The boredom

Time spent spending for the times leaves you worthless
Cry for reason over rhyme and you run for cover
Run for cover

Mirror lyrics:

Run for cover
Cry for reason over rhyme and you run for cover
Time spent spending for the times leaves you worthless

The boredom
I can't afford
But I've got cash
I've got no class

To be so bored
I can't afford
But I've got cash
I've got no class
But I've got cash
I've got no class

Cry for reason over rhyme and you run for cover
Time spent spending for the times leaves you worthless

Is plain when the battery dies
The hidden
Is soothed by the greatest of buys
Of function
The burden
Replacement's American eyes

Cry for reason over rhyme and you run for cover
Time spent spending for the times leaves you worthless

Now comes with a concession tray
That feeds us
The structure
Carries the sacred away
A needle
Each prick with
Bleed to the malls of today

Relevant Tags:
RRun FFor CCover un or over uRn oFr oCver dun cor fover dRun cFor fCover Rdun Fcor Cfover 4un ror xover 4Run rFor xCover R4un Fror Cxover
gun gor vover gRun gFor vCover Rgun Fgor Cvover tun tor dover tRun tFor dCover Rtun Ftor Cdover 5un vor Coover 5Run vFor Cver R5un Fvor Cvoer
fun dor Ckver fRun dFor Ckover Rfun Fdor Cokver eun Foor C9ver eRun Fr C9over Reun Fro Co9ver Ruun Fkr C0ver Rn Fkor C0over Rnu Fokr Co0ver
Rhn F9r Clver Rhun F9or Clover Ruhn Fo9r Colver R7n F0r Civer R7un F0or Ciover Ru7n Fo0r Coiver Rkn Flr Covver Rkun Flor Coer Rukn Folr Coevr
Rin Fir Cober Riun Fior Cobver Ruin Foir Covber R8n Forr Cocer R8un Fo Cocver Ru8n For Covcer Rjn Fod Coger Rjun Fodr Cogver Rujn Ford Covger

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