Macy Gray
Every Now And Then

It's the mood I'm in it's how hard it's been the ultimate sin
Don't want to commit – but I think of it every now and then.

Could give love a try could give god a try much easier just to
Say bye bye – and I think of it every now and then.

When you're getting down you got to get up. When you're
Getting down, you got to get up up up.

Highest of the high two pies in the sky it could be all mine just
A matter of time – but I think of it every now and then.

Guess I could forget could remember when could discover it
But how hard it's been

Mirror lyrics:

But how hard it's been
Guess I could forget could remember when could discover it

A matter of time – but I think of it every now and then.
Highest of the high two pies in the sky it could be all mine just

Getting down, you got to get up up up.
When you're getting down you got to get up. When you're

Say bye bye – and I think of it every now and then.
Could give love a try could give god a try much easier just to

Don't want to commit – but I think of it every now and then.
It's the mood I'm in it's how hard it's been the ultimate sin

Relevant Tags:
EEvery NNow AAnd TThen very ow nd hen vEery oNw nAd hTen svery mow znd fhen sEvery mNow zAnd fThen Esvery Nmow Aznd Tfhen
3very how qnd 5hen 3Every hNow qAnd 5Then E3very Nhow Aqnd T5hen fvery jow snd hhen fEvery jNow sAnd hThen Efvery Njow Asnd Thhen
rvery bow wnd yhen rEvery bNow wAnd yThen Ervery Nbow Awnd Tyhen 4very Noow xnd 6hen 4Every Nw xAnd 6Then E4very Nwo Axnd T6hen
dvery Nkw Annd ghen dEvery Nkow Ad gThen Edvery Nokw Adn Tghen wvery N9w Amd rhen wEvery N9ow Amnd rThen Ewvery No9w Anmd Trhen
Evvery N0w Ahd Eery N0ow Ahnd Ten Eevry No0w Anhd Tehn Ebery Nlw Ajd Tjen Ebvery Nlow Ajnd Tjhen Evbery Nolw Anjd Thjen
Ecery Niw Abd Tuen Ecvery Niow Abnd Tuhen Evcery Noiw Anbd Thuen Egery Noww Andd Tnen Egvery No An Tnhen Evgery Now And Thnen
Efery Noa Anx Tben Noaw Anxd Tbhen Evfery Nowa Andx Thben Eveery No3 Ane Tgen Evry No3w Aned Evrey Now3 Ande Thgen
Evsry Nod Anf Tyen Evsery Nodw Anfd Evesry Nowd Andf Thyen Ev3ry Noe Anr Theen Ev3ery Noew Anrd Thn Eve3ry Nowe Andr Thne
Evfry Nos Anc Thsn Nosw Ancd Thsen Evefry Nows Andc Thesn

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