Maggie Reilly
Angel Of The Morning

There'll be no strings to bind your hands
If my love can't bind your heart
And there's no need to take a stand
It was I who chose to part
I see no need to take me home
I'm old enough to face the dark alone

Call me angel of the morning
Touch my cheek before you leave me
Call me angel of the morning
Then slowly turn away from me

Maybe the sun's light will be dim
It won't matter anyhow
If morning's echo says we've sinned
It was what I wanted now
And if we're victims of the night
I won't be blinded by the light

Call me angel of the morning
Touch my cheek before you leave me
Call me angel of the morning
Then slowly turn away
I won't beg you to stay with me

And if we're victims of the night
We won't be blinded by the light

Call me angel of the morning
Touch my cheek before you leave
Call me angel of the morning
Touch me before you leave
You call me angel of the morning
Touch my cheek before you leave me
Call me angel of the morning
Touch me before you leave
Then slowly turn away
I won't ask you to stay with me
Slowly turn away
I won't beg you to stay

Mirror lyrics:

I won't beg you to stay
Slowly turn away
I won't ask you to stay with me
Then slowly turn away
Touch me before you leave
Call me angel of the morning
Touch my cheek before you leave me
You call me angel of the morning
Touch me before you leave
Call me angel of the morning
Touch my cheek before you leave
Call me angel of the morning

We won't be blinded by the light
And if we're victims of the night

I won't beg you to stay with me
Then slowly turn away
Call me angel of the morning
Touch my cheek before you leave me
Call me angel of the morning

I won't be blinded by the light
And if we're victims of the night
It was what I wanted now
If morning's echo says we've sinned
It won't matter anyhow
Maybe the sun's light will be dim

Then slowly turn away from me
Call me angel of the morning
Touch my cheek before you leave me
Call me angel of the morning

I'm old enough to face the dark alone
I see no need to take me home
It was I who chose to part
And there's no need to take a stand
If my love can't bind your heart
There'll be no strings to bind your hands

Relevant Tags:
AAngel OOf TThe MMorning ngel f he orning nAgel fO hTe oMrning zngel kf fhe jorning zAngel kOf fThe jMorning Azngel Okf Tfhe Mjorning
qngel 9f 5he korning qAngel 9Of 5The kMorning Aqngel O9f T5he Mkorning sngel 0f hhe norning sAngel 0Of hThe nMorning Asngel O0f Thhe Mnorning
wngel lf yhe Moorning wAngel lOf yThe Mrning Awngel Olf Tyhe Mroning xngel if 6he Mkrning xAngel iOf 6The Axngel Oif T6he Mokrning
Anngel Off ghe M9rning Agel O gThe M9orning Agnel Of Tghe Mo9rning Amgel Oc rhe M0rning Amngel Ocf rThe M0orning Anmgel Ofc Trhe Mo0rning
Ahgel Or Mlrning Ahngel Orf Te Mlorning Anhgel Ofr Teh Molrning Ajgel Og Tje Mirning Ajngel Ogf Tjhe Miorning Anjgel Ofg Thje Moirning
Abgel Ot Tue Morrning Abngel Otf Tuhe Moning Anbgel Oft Thue Monring Anggel Ov Tne Modning Anel Ovf Tnhe Modrning Anegl Ofv Thne Mordning
Anhel Od Tbe Mo4ning Odf Tbhe Mo4rning Anghel Ofd Thbe Mor4ning Anyel Tge Mogning Anygel Mogrning Angyel Thge Morgning
Anbel Tye Motning Motrning Angbel Thye Mortning Anvel Thee Mo5ning Anvgel Th Mo5rning Angvel The Mor5ning
Anfel Ths Mofning Anfgel Thse Mofrning Angfel Thes Morfning Antel Th3 Moening Antgel Th3e Moerning Angtel The3 Morening
Angeel Thf Mornning Angl Thfe Moring Angle Thef Morinng Angsl Thr Morming Angsel Thre Mormning Angesl Ther Mornming
Ang3l Th4 Morhing Ang3el Th4e Morhning

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