Goodbye, Goodnight (s.m. Remix)

The nights are getting colder
The red light's on, it's over
To give up now doesn't make much sense
So this is my goodbye
Surprised, beause I thought I
Could walk you home tonight
But you're leaving me
Here on the defense.

Goodbye, I'm not
Going to waste this time,
This light that burns will keep
On fading. Goodnight, I'm not
Getting up off this ride, I'm
Holding tight until
I can feel alive

I've written you this letter
Got it back return to sender
But I just can't remember you
Being quite like that
Misunderstand, we're holding hands
we're at the beach
We're throwing sand
As the lights just go up all around us
I can't believe it's over

Goodbye, I'm not
Going to waste this time,
This light that burns will keep
On fading. Goodnight, I'm not
Getting up off this ride, I'm
Holding tight until
I can feel alive

I'm sitting under falling stars
Do you miss me where you are?
I'm making plans to be with you
But have they come unglued?
What am I to do without you?

The nights are getting warm again
They've let you go, I let you in
Everything you're saying
Sounds right tonight
The waves are crashing on and on
We're running even if we're wrong
This force is driving me
To test the speed of light

Goodbye, I'm not
Going to waste this time,
This light that burns will keep
On fading. Goodnight, I'm not
Getting up off this ride, I'm
Holding tight until
I can feel alive


1, 2, 1 2 3 4!

Goin' to school! Goin' to school!
Goin' to learn the Golden Rule
Teachers and friends, and P.E. class
And cafeteria food (Re-tar-ted)
Goin' to school!

(You're suspended. I wanna go on a field trip

Goin' to school! Goin' to school!
Goin' to learn the Golden Rule
Teachers and friends, and P.E. class
And cafeteria food
(We're playin basketball today)
Goin' to school! Whoo!

Get back to gym! Take your seat, kids!
Tough it out! You all pass!
It's Graduation time! Goin' to
College to become a lawyer! Aww yeah!

Later... That's it, thank you so much...

Mirror lyrics:

Later... That's it, thank you so much...

College to become a lawyer! Aww yeah!
It's Graduation time! Goin' to
Tough it out! You all pass!
Get back to gym! Take your seat, kids!

Goin' to school! Whoo!
(We're playin basketball today)
And cafeteria food
Teachers and friends, and P.E. class
Goin' to learn the Golden Rule
Goin' to school! Goin' to school!

(You're suspended. I wanna go on a field trip

Goin' to school!
And cafeteria food (Re-tar-ted)
Teachers and friends, and P.E. class
Goin' to learn the Golden Rule
Goin' to school! Goin' to school!

1, 2, 1 2 3 4!


I can feel alive
Holding tight until
Getting up off this ride, I'm
On fading. Goodnight, I'm not
This light that burns will keep
Going to waste this time,
Goodbye, I'm not

To test the speed of light
This force is driving me
We're running even if we're wrong
The waves are crashing on and on
Sounds right tonight
Everything you're saying
They've let you go, I let you in
The nights are getting warm again

What am I to do without you?
But have they come unglued?
I'm making plans to be with you
Do you miss me where you are?
I'm sitting under falling stars

I can feel alive
Holding tight until
Getting up off this ride, I'm
On fading. Goodnight, I'm not
This light that burns will keep
Going to waste this time,
Goodbye, I'm not

I can't believe it's over
As the lights just go up all around us
We're throwing sand
we're at the beach
Misunderstand, we're holding hands
Being quite like that
But I just can't remember you
Got it back return to sender
I've written you this letter

I can feel alive
Holding tight until
Getting up off this ride, I'm
On fading. Goodnight, I'm not
This light that burns will keep
Going to waste this time,
Goodbye, I'm not

Here on the defense.
But you're leaving me
Could walk you home tonight
Surprised, beause I thought I
So this is my goodbye
To give up now doesn't make much sense
The red light's on, it's over
The nights are getting colder

Relevant Tags:
GGoodbye, GGoodnight ((s.m. RRemix) oodbye, oodnight s.m. emix) oGodbye, oGodnight s(.m. eRmix) hoodbye, hoodnight (ss.m. demix) hGoodbye, hGoodnight (.m. dRemix)
Ghoodbye, Ghoodnight (.sm. Rdemix) yoodbye, yoodnight (z.m. 4emix) yGoodbye, yGoodnight (zs.m. 4Remix) Gyoodbye, Gyoodnight (sz.m. R4emix) boodbye, boodnight (w.m. gemix)
bGoodbye, bGoodnight (ws.m. gRemix) Gboodbye, Gboodnight (sw.m. Rgemix) voodbye, voodnight (d.m. temix) vGoodbye, vGoodnight (ds.m. tRemix) Gvoodbye, Gvoodnight (sd.m. Rtemix)
foodbye, foodnight (e.m. 5emix) fGoodbye, fGoodnight (es.m. 5Remix) Gfoodbye, Gfoodnight (se.m. R5emix) toodbye, toodnight (x.m. femix) tGoodbye, tGoodnight (xs.m. fRemix)
Gtoodbye, Gtoodnight (sx.m. Rfemix) Gooodbye, Gooodnight (a.m. eemix) Godbye, Godnight (as.m. eRemix) Goodbye, Goodnight (sa.m. Reemix) Gkodbye, Gkodnight (s..m.
Gkoodbye, Gkoodnight (sm. Rmix) Gokodbye, Gokodnight (sm.. Rmeix) G9odbye, G9odnight ( Rsmix) G9oodbye, G9oodnight (s.. Rsemix) Go9odbye, Go9odnight (s..m Resmix)
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