Lucie Silvas
What You're Made Of

Just like I predicted
We're at the point of no return
We can't go backwards,
and all corners have been turned
I can't control it if I sink or if I swim
'Cause I chose the waters that I'm in

And it makes no difference,
Who is right or wrong
I deserve much more than this
'Cause there's only one thing I want

If it's not what you're made of,
You're not what I'm looking for
You were willing, but unable, to give me anymore
There's no way
You're changing
'Cause some things will just never be mine
You're not in love this time, but it's alright.

Oo oh, ooo oh

I hear you talking,
but your words don't mean a thing
I doubt you ever,
put your heart in anything
It's not much to ask for
To get back what I put in
But I chose the waters that I'm in

And it makes no difference
who is right or wrong
I deserve much more than this
'Cause there's only one thing I want

If it's not what you're made of,
You're not what I'm looking for
You were willing, but unable, to give me anymore
There's no way
You're changing
'Cause some things will just never be mine
You're not in love this time, but it's alright.

What's your definition of the one
What do you really want him to become
No matter what I sacrifice it's still never enough

Just like I predicted
I will sink before I swim
'Cause these are the waters that I'm in

If it's not what you're made of,
You're not what I'm looking for
You were willing, but unable, to give me anymore
There's no way
You're changing
'Cause some things will just never be mine
You're not in love this time

If it's not what you're made of,
You're not what I'm looking for
You were willing, but unable, to give me anymore
There's no way
You're changing
'Cause some things will just never me mine
You're not in love this time, you're not in love this time
you're not in love this time

Mirror lyrics:

you're not in love this time
You're not in love this time, you're not in love this time
'Cause some things will just never me mine
You're changing
There's no way
You were willing, but unable, to give me anymore
You're not what I'm looking for
If it's not what you're made of,

You're not in love this time
'Cause some things will just never be mine
You're changing
There's no way
You were willing, but unable, to give me anymore
You're not what I'm looking for
If it's not what you're made of,

'Cause these are the waters that I'm in
I will sink before I swim
Just like I predicted

No matter what I sacrifice it's still never enough
What do you really want him to become
What's your definition of the one

You're not in love this time, but it's alright.
'Cause some things will just never be mine
You're changing
There's no way
You were willing, but unable, to give me anymore
You're not what I'm looking for
If it's not what you're made of,

'Cause there's only one thing I want
I deserve much more than this
who is right or wrong
And it makes no difference

But I chose the waters that I'm in
To get back what I put in
It's not much to ask for
put your heart in anything
I doubt you ever,
but your words don't mean a thing
I hear you talking,

Oo oh, ooo oh

You're not in love this time, but it's alright.
'Cause some things will just never be mine
You're changing
There's no way
You were willing, but unable, to give me anymore
You're not what I'm looking for
If it's not what you're made of,

'Cause there's only one thing I want
I deserve much more than this
Who is right or wrong
And it makes no difference,

'Cause I chose the waters that I'm in
I can't control it if I sink or if I swim
and all corners have been turned
We can't go backwards,
We're at the point of no return
Just like I predicted

Relevant Tags:
WWhat YYou're MMade OOf hat ou're ade f hWat oYu're aMde fO ahat gou're jade kf aWhat gYou're jMade kOf Wahat Ygou're Mjade Okf
3hat hou're kade 9f 3What hYou're kMade 9Of W3hat Yhou're Mkade O9f dhat 6ou're nade 0f dWhat 6You're nMade 0Of Wdhat Y6ou're Mnade O0f
ehat uou're Maade lf eWhat uYou're Mde lOf Wehat Yuou're Mdae Olf shat 7ou're Mzde if sWhat 7You're Mzade iOf Wshat Y7ou're Mazde Oif
2hat jou're Mqde Off 2What jYou're Mqade O W2hat Yjou're Maqde Of qhat tou're Msde Oc qWhat tYou're Msade Ocf Wqhat Ytou're Masde Ofc
Whhat Yoou're Mwde Or Wat Yu're Mwade Orf Waht Yuo're Mawde Ofr Wjat Yku're Mxde Og Wjhat Ykou're Mxade Ogf Whjat Yoku're Maxde Ofg
Wuat Y9u're Madde Ot Wuhat Y9ou're Mae Otf Whuat Yo9u're Maed Oft Wnat Y0u're Maxe Ov Wnhat Y0ou're Ovf Whnat Yo0u're Madxe Ofv
Wbat Ylu're Maee Od Wbhat Ylou're Maede Odf Whbat Yolu're Madee Ofd Wgat Yiu're Mafe Wghat Yiou're Mafde Whgat Yoiu're Madfe
Wyat Youu're Mare Wyhat Yo're Marde Whyat Yo'ure Madre Whaat Yoh're Mace Wht Yohu're Macde Whta Youh're Madce
Whzt Yo7're Mase Whzat Yo7u're Whazt You7're Madse Whqt Yok're Whqat Mad Whaqt Youk're Made
Whst Yoi're Mads

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