Lucero (rock)
When You're Gone

She said she was going home
I said I'll be fine by myself
I thought that she wanted me
But she was thinking something else

Now the sun was coming up
Still I couldn't see exactly how she felt
I thought that she wanted me
But she was thinking something else

It don't take much to see inside my heart
I was never any good at telling lies
And it don't take too much to see there ain't too much to me
Here behind these eyes

I miss you when you're gone
Please don't stay gone too long

Mirror lyrics:

Please don't stay gone too long
I miss you when you're gone

Here behind these eyes
And it don't take too much to see there ain't too much to me
I was never any good at telling lies
It don't take much to see inside my heart

But she was thinking something else
I thought that she wanted me
Still I couldn't see exactly how she felt
Now the sun was coming up

But she was thinking something else
I thought that she wanted me
I said I'll be fine by myself
She said she was going home

Relevant Tags:
WWhen YYou're GGone hen ou're one hWen oYu're oGne ahen gou're hone aWhen gYou're hGone Wahen Ygou're Ghone 3hen hou're yone
3When hYou're yGone W3hen Yhou're Gyone dhen 6ou're bone dWhen 6You're bGone Wdhen Y6ou're Gbone ehen uou're vone eWhen uYou're vGone
Wehen Yuou're Gvone shen 7ou're fone sWhen 7You're fGone Wshen Y7ou're Gfone 2hen jou're tone 2When jYou're tGone W2hen Yjou're Gtone
qhen tou're Goone qWhen tYou're Gne Wqhen Ytou're Gnoe Whhen Yoou're Gkne Wen Yu're Gkone Wehn Yuo're Gokne Wjen Yku're G9ne
Wjhen Ykou're G9one Whjen Yoku're Go9ne Wuen Y9u're G0ne Wuhen Y9ou're G0one Whuen Yo9u're Go0ne Wnen Y0u're Glne Wnhen Y0ou're Glone
Whnen Yo0u're Golne Wben Ylu're Gine Wbhen Ylou're Gione Whben Yolu're Goine Wgen Yiu're Gonne Wghen Yiou're Goe Whgen Yoiu're Goen
Wyen Youu're Gome Wyhen Yo're Gomne Whyen Yo'ure Gonme Wheen Yoh're Gohe Whn Yohu're Gohne Whne Youh're Gonhe Whsn Yo7're Goje
Whsen Yo7u're Gojne Whesn You7're Gonje Wh3n Yok're Gobe Wh3en Gobne Whe3n Youk're Gonbe Whfn Yoi're Gonee

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