Guess What's Happening

See that broken hearted man

Toiling in the burning sun

Disappointed African

Doesn't even over stand

After so many years of sweat and tears

Still he's living in fear

Wondering if and when

He's gonna have his share

Well, guess what's happening

A new day's dawning

See the black son's rising

Soon he will be free

See that poor disgruntled youth

Trying his best to know the truth

Why his ancestors have died

From those all who robbed and ruled

So many years of blood and stain

Still he's working in vain

Wondering if and when

He'll ever have his share

Well, guess what's happening

A new day's dawning

I see a new horizon

Soon he will be free

How could life be so unfair

He wonders how some get out there

Sitting in their rocking chair

While he's living in despair

After so many years of sweat and tears

Still he's living in fear

Wondering if and when

He's gonna have his share

Guess what's happening

I see a new day's dawning

I see the table is turning

Soon he will be free, yo, ho, ho

Guess what's happening

A new day's dawning

I see the table is turning

Soon he will be free, yo, ho, ho

Guess what's happening

I see the table is turning

See a new horizon

Soon he will be free

Guess what's happening

I see a new day's dawning

Mirror lyrics:

I see a new day's dawning

Guess what's happening

Soon he will be free

See a new horizon

I see the table is turning

Guess what's happening

Soon he will be free, yo, ho, ho

I see the table is turning

A new day's dawning

Guess what's happening

Soon he will be free, yo, ho, ho

I see the table is turning

I see a new day's dawning

Guess what's happening

He's gonna have his share

Wondering if and when

Still he's living in fear

After so many years of sweat and tears

While he's living in despair

Sitting in their rocking chair

He wonders how some get out there

How could life be so unfair

Soon he will be free

I see a new horizon

A new day's dawning

Well, guess what's happening

He'll ever have his share

Wondering if and when

Still he's working in vain

So many years of blood and stain

From those all who robbed and ruled

Why his ancestors have died

Trying his best to know the truth

See that poor disgruntled youth

Soon he will be free

See the black son's rising

A new day's dawning

Well, guess what's happening

He's gonna have his share

Wondering if and when

Still he's living in fear

After so many years of sweat and tears

Doesn't even over stand

Disappointed African

Toiling in the burning sun

See that broken hearted man

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yuess 3hat's uappening yGuess 3What's uHappening Gyuess W3hat's Huappening buess dhat's nappening bGuess dWhat's nHappening Gbuess Wdhat's Hnappening
vuess ehat's bappening vGuess eWhat's bHappening Gvuess Wehat's Hbappening fuess shat's gappening fGuess sWhat's gHappening Gfuess Wshat's Hgappening
tuess 2hat's yappening tGuess 2What's yHappening Gtuess W2hat's Hyappening Guuess qhat's Haappening Gess qWhat's Hppening Geuss Wqhat's Hpapening
Ghess Whhat's Hzppening Wat's Hzappening Guhess Waht's Hazppening G7ess Wjat's Hqppening G7uess Wjhat's Hqappening Gu7ess Whjat's Haqppening
Gkess Wuat's Hsppening Gkuess Wuhat's Hsappening Gukess Whuat's Hasppening Giess Wnat's Hwppening Giuess Wnhat's Hwappening Guiess Whnat's Hawppening
G8ess Wbat's Hxppening G8uess Wbhat's Hxappening Gu8ess Whbat's Haxppening Gjess Wgat's Happpening Gjuess Wghat's Hapening Gujess Whgat's Happening
Gyess Wyat's Ha0pening Wyhat's Ha0ppening Guyess Whyat's Hap0pening Gueess Whaat's Halpening Guss Wht's Halppening Guses Whta's Haplpening
Gusss Whzt's Haopening Gusess Whzat's Haoppening Guesss Whazt's Hapopening Gu3ss Whqt's Gu3ess Whqat's Gue3ss Whaqt's Hapepning
Gufss Whst's Hap0ening Gufess Whsat's Guefss Whast's Happ0ening Gurss Whwt's Haplening Guress Whwat's Guerss Whawt's Happlening
Gu4ss Whxt's Hapoening Gu4ess Whxat's Gue4ss Whaxt's Happoening Gudss Whatt's Happeening Gudess Wha's Happning Guedss Wha'ts Happneing
Guwss Whaf's Happsning Guwess Whaft's Happsening Guewss Whatf's Happesning Wha5's Happ3ning Gues Wha5t's Happ3ening Guess What5's Happe3ning
Guezs Whah's Happfning Guezss Whaht's Happfening Gueszs Whath's Happefning Guews Whay's Happrning

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