Lay Lady Lay (with Gemma Hayes)

Lay lady lay, lay across my big brass bed.
Lay lady lay, lay across my big brass bed.

Whatever colors you have in your mind.
I'll show them to you and you'll see them shine.

Lay lady lay, lay across my big brass bed.
Stay lady stay, stay with your man awhile.
Until the break of day, let me see you make 'em smile.

Your clothes are dirty but your hands are clean.
And I'm the best thing that you've ever seen.
(Stay lady stay, stay with your man awhile.)
Why wait any longer for the world to begin?
You can have your cake and eat it too.
(Why wait any longer for the one you love?
I am standin' in front of you.)

Lay lady lay, lay across my big brass bed.
Stay lady stay, stay with your man awhile.

You long to see me in the morning light.
You long to reach for me in the night.
(Stay lady stay, stay while the night is still ahead.)
So maybe I'll stay, stay while the night is still ahead.
(Stay lady stay, stay while the night is still ahead.)
So maybe I'll stay,
[Both]: stay while the night is still ahead.

Mirror lyrics:

[Both]: stay while the night is still ahead.
So maybe I'll stay,
(Stay lady stay, stay while the night is still ahead.)
So maybe I'll stay, stay while the night is still ahead.
(Stay lady stay, stay while the night is still ahead.)
You long to reach for me in the night.
You long to see me in the morning light.

Stay lady stay, stay with your man awhile.
Lay lady lay, lay across my big brass bed.

I am standin' in front of you.)
(Why wait any longer for the one you love?
You can have your cake and eat it too.
Why wait any longer for the world to begin?
(Stay lady stay, stay with your man awhile.)
And I'm the best thing that you've ever seen.
Your clothes are dirty but your hands are clean.

Until the break of day, let me see you make 'em smile.
Stay lady stay, stay with your man awhile.
Lay lady lay, lay across my big brass bed.

I'll show them to you and you'll see them shine.
Whatever colors you have in your mind.

Lay lady lay, lay across my big brass bed.
Lay lady lay, lay across my big brass bed.

Relevant Tags:
LLay LLady LLay ((with GGemma HHayes) ay ady ay with emma ayes) aLy aLdy aLy w(ith eGmma aHyes) kay kady kay (wwith hemma jayes) kLay kLady kLay (ith hGemma jHayes)
Lkay Lkady Lkay (iwth Ghemma Hjayes) oay oady oay (aith yemma uayes) oLay oLady oLay (awith yGemma uHayes) Loay Loady Loay (waith Gyemma Huayes) pay pady pay (3ith bemma nayes)
pLay pLady pLay (3with bGemma nHayes) Lpay Lpady Lpay (w3ith Gbemma Hnayes) Laay Laady Laay (dith vemma bayes) Ly Ldy Ly (dwith vGemma bHayes) Lya Lday Lya (wdith Gvemma Hbayes)
Lzy Lzdy Lzy (eith femma gayes) Lzay Lzady Lzay (ewith fGemma gHayes) Lazy Lazdy Lazy (weith Gfemma Hgayes) Lqy Lqdy Lqy (sith temma yayes) Lqay Lqady Lqay (swith tGemma yHayes)
Laqy Laqdy Laqy (wsith Gtemma Hyayes) Lsy Lsdy Lsy (2ith Geemma Haayes) Lsay Lsady Lsay (2with Gmma Hyes) Lasy Lasdy Lasy (w2ith Gmema Hyaes) Lwy Lwdy Lwy (qith Gsmma Hzyes)
Lway Lwady Lway (qwith Gsemma Hzayes) Lawy Lawdy Lawy (wqith Gesmma Hazyes) Lxy Lxdy Lxy (wiith G3mma Hqyes) Lxay Lxady Lxay (wth G3emma Hqayes) Laxy Laxdy Laxy (wtih Ge3mma Haqyes)
Layy Laddy Layy (wjth Gfmma Hsyes) La Lay La (wjith Hsayes) Lay Layd Lay (wijth Gefmma Hasyes) Lag Laxy Lag (w9th Grmma Hwyes) Lagy Lagy (w9ith Gremma Hwayes)
Layg Ladxy Layg (wi9th Germma Hawyes) Lah Laey Lah (wlth G4mma Hxyes) Lahy Laedy Lahy (wlith G4emma Hxayes) Layh Ladey Layh (wilth Ge4mma Haxyes) La6 Lafy La6 (woth Gdmma Hayyes)
La6y Lafdy La6y (woith Gdemma Haes) Lay6 Ladfy Lay6 (wioth Gedmma Haeys) Lau Lary Lau (wkth Gwmma Hages) Lauy Lardy Lauy (wkith Gwemma Hagyes) Layu Ladry Layu (wikth Gewmma Hayges)
La7 Lacy La7 (w8th Gemmma Hahes) La7y Lacdy La7y (w8ith Gema Hahyes) Lay7 Ladcy Lay7 (wi8th Gemma Hayhes) Laj Lasy Laj (wuth Gejma Ha6es) Lajy Lajy (wuith Gejmma Ha6yes)
Layj Ladsy Layj (wiuth Gemjma Hay6es) Lat Ladyy Lat (witth Gekma Haues) Laty Lad Laty (wih Gekmma Hauyes) Layt Lady Layt (wiht Gemkma Hayues)

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