Magic Knight Rayearth
Embracing Light And Darkness

I hold the light and the darkness of my heart,
Trembling while I embrace the shadows, moving me apart.
I can't give up all the dreams that I have chased,
And my love will be there, and will come to me again with pride.

When I look to the sunset,
All the colors, so beautiful
That the tears fall right down
Into the sea, to the ocean
Of my heart.

Though the brightness of the sun has drifted far away,
Tomorrow holds the sunlight of a brand new day for me [brand new day for me]

I hold the light and the darkness of my heart,
Trembling while I embrace the shadows, moving me apart.
And I can't give up all the dreams that I have chased.
And my love will be there and will come to me again.

With each rising sun,
I'll find the future that is mine.

Mirror lyrics:

I'll find the future that is mine.
With each rising sun,

And my love will be there and will come to me again.
And I can't give up all the dreams that I have chased.
Trembling while I embrace the shadows, moving me apart.
I hold the light and the darkness of my heart,

Tomorrow holds the sunlight of a brand new day for me [brand new day for me]
Though the brightness of the sun has drifted far away,

Of my heart.
Into the sea, to the ocean
That the tears fall right down
All the colors, so beautiful
When I look to the sunset,

And my love will be there, and will come to me again with pride.
I can't give up all the dreams that I have chased,
Trembling while I embrace the shadows, moving me apart.
I hold the light and the darkness of my heart,

Relevant Tags:
EEmbracing LLight AAnd DDarkness mbracing ight nd arkness mEbracing iLght nAd aDrkness smbracing kight znd xarkness sEmbracing kLight zAnd xDarkness
Esmbracing Lkight Aznd Dxarkness 3mbracing oight qnd earkness 3Embracing oLight qAnd eDarkness E3mbracing Loight Aqnd Dearkness fmbracing pight snd farkness
fEmbracing pLight sAnd fDarkness Efmbracing Lpight Asnd Dfarkness rmbracing Liight wnd rarkness rEmbracing Lght wAnd rDarkness Ermbracing Lgiht Awnd Drarkness
4mbracing Ljght xnd carkness 4Embracing Ljight xAnd cDarkness E4mbracing Lijght Axnd Dcarkness dmbracing L9ght Annd sarkness dEmbracing L9ight Ad sDarkness
Edmbracing Li9ght Adn Dsarkness wmbracing Llght Amd Daarkness wEmbracing Llight Amnd Drkness Ewmbracing Lilght Anmd Drakness Emmbracing Loght Ahd Dzrkness
Ebracing Ahnd Dzarkness Ebmracing Lioght Anhd Dazrkness Ejbracing Lkght Ajd Dqrkness Ejmbracing Ajnd Dqarkness Emjbracing Likght Anjd Daqrkness
Ekbracing L8ght Abd Dsrkness Ekmbracing L8ight Abnd Emkbracing Li8ght Anbd Dasrkness Enbracing Lught Andd Dwrkness Enmbracing Luight An Dwarkness
Emnbracing Liught And Dawrkness Embbracing Ligght Anx Dxrkness Emracing Liht Anxd Emrbacing Lihgt Andx Daxrkness Emvracing Lihht Ane Darrkness
Emvbracing Lihght Aned Dakness Embvracing Lighht Ande Dakrness Emgracing Liyht Anf Dadkness Emgbracing Liyght Anfd Dadrkness Embgracing Ligyht Andf Dardkness
Emnracing Libht Anr Da4kness Libght Anrd Da4rkness Embnracing Ligbht Andr Dar4kness Emhracing Livht Anc Dagkness Emhbracing Livght Ancd Dagrkness
Embhracing Ligvht Andc Dargkness Embrracing Lifht Ans Datkness Embacing Lifght Ansd Datrkness Embarcing Ligfht Ands Dartkness Embdacing Litht Da5kness
Embdracing Litght Da5rkness Embrdacing Ligtht Dar5kness Emb4acing Dafkness Emb4racing Ligt Dafrkness Embr4acing Ligth Darfkness
Embgacing Ligjt Daekness Ligjht Daerkness Embrgacing Lighjt Darekness Embtacing Ligut Darkkness Embtracing Liguht Darness
Embrtacing Lighut Darnkess Emb5acing Lignt Darlness Emb5racing Lignht Darlkness Embr5acing Lighnt Darklness Embfacing Ligbt Daroness
Embfracing Darokness Embrfacing Lighbt Darkoness Embeacing Liggt Darmness Emberacing Darmkness Embreacing Lighgt Darkmness
Embraacing Ligyt Darjness Embrcing Darjkness Embrcaing Lighyt Darkjness Embrzcing Lightt Dariness Embrzacing Ligh Darikness
Embrazcing Light Darkiness

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