Magic Dirt
Dirty Jeans

You're an ordinary boy and
That's the way I like it
On the train in the corner
With a mind-numbing headache
Went out last night
With only one life
Had to let you know
That you're beautiful
And you make me go and
Even if you're takin'
There's no moves I'm makin'
My legs are achin'
My eyes are sore
I haven't washed my jeans
In three months or more

Mirror lyrics:

In three months or more
I haven't washed my jeans
My eyes are sore
My legs are achin'
There's no moves I'm makin'
Even if you're takin'
And you make me go and
That you're beautiful
Had to let you know
With only one life
Went out last night
With a mind-numbing headache
On the train in the corner
That's the way I like it
You're an ordinary boy and

Relevant Tags:
DDirty JJeans irty eans iDrty eJans xirty keans xDirty kJeans Dxirty Jkeans eirty ieans eDirty iJeans Deirty Jieans firty means
fDirty mJeans Dfirty Jmeans rirty neans rDirty nJeans Drirty Jneans cirty heans cDirty hJeans Dcirty Jheans sirty ueans sDirty uJeans
Dsirty Jueans Diirty Jeeans Drty Jans Drity Jaens Djrty Jsans Djirty Jseans Dijrty Jesans D9rty J3ans D9irty J3eans Di9rty Je3ans
Dlrty Jfans Dlirty Jfeans Dilrty Jefans Dorty Jrans Doirty Jreans Diorty Jerans Dkrty J4ans Dkirty J4eans Dikrty Je4ans D8rty Jdans
D8irty Jdeans Di8rty Jedans Durty Jwans Duirty Jweans Diurty Jewans Dirrty Jeaans Dity Jens Ditry Jenas Didty Jezns Didrty Jezans
Dirdty Jeazns Di4ty Jeqns Di4rty Jeqans Dir4ty Jeaqns

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