Malena Ernman
What Becomes Of Love

What becomes of love when it has tried and failed?
Do you lose the one you have seen behind the veil?
Does the heart make a sound if there's no one around
To hear it cry, when it cries
Like I'm crying, now?

What becomes of love when it goes away?
Where does it go?
Does it die or live to love another day?
Let the wind blow, let the times change
Let me be strong enough
To hold on 'til I find out what becomes of love.

I've worn the mask of tragedy too long
And I've spilled the wine running to become
What you wanted me to be
Who you loved, what you need
But the mask couldn't last and I am asking now.

What becomes of love when it goes away?
Where does it go?
Does it die or live to love another day?
Let the wind blow, let the times change
Let me be strong enough
To hold on 'til I find out what becomes of love.

Mirror lyrics:

To hold on 'til I find out what becomes of love.
Let me be strong enough
Let the wind blow, let the times change
Does it die or live to love another day?
Where does it go?
What becomes of love when it goes away?

But the mask couldn't last and I am asking now.
Who you loved, what you need
What you wanted me to be
And I've spilled the wine running to become
I've worn the mask of tragedy too long

To hold on 'til I find out what becomes of love.
Let me be strong enough
Let the wind blow, let the times change
Does it die or live to love another day?
Where does it go?
What becomes of love when it goes away?

Like I'm crying, now?
To hear it cry, when it cries
Does the heart make a sound if there's no one around
Do you lose the one you have seen behind the veil?
What becomes of love when it has tried and failed?

Relevant Tags:
WWhat BBecomes OOf LLove hat ecomes f ove hWat eBcomes fO oLve ahat vecomes kf kove aWhat vBecomes kOf kLove Wahat Bvecomes Okf Lkove
3hat gecomes 9f oove 3What gBecomes 9Of oLove W3hat Bgecomes O9f Loove dhat necomes 0f pove dWhat nBecomes 0Of pLove Wdhat Bnecomes O0f Lpove
ehat hecomes lf eWhat hBecomes lOf Lve Wehat Bhecomes Olf Lvoe shat Beecomes if Lkve sWhat Bcomes iOf Wshat Bceomes Oif Lokve
2hat Bscomes Off L9ve 2What Bsecomes O L9ove W2hat Bescomes Of Lo9ve qhat B3comes Oc L0ve qWhat B3ecomes Ocf L0ove Wqhat Be3comes Ofc Lo0ve
Whhat Bfcomes Or Llve Wat Bfecomes Orf Llove Waht Befcomes Ofr Lolve Wjat Brcomes Og Live Wjhat Brecomes Ogf Liove Whjat Bercomes Ofg Loive
Wuat B4comes Ot Lovve Wuhat B4ecomes Otf Loe Whuat Be4comes Oft Loev Wnat Bdcomes Ov Lobe Wnhat Bdecomes Ovf Lobve Whnat Bedcomes Ofv Lovbe
Wbat Bwcomes Od Loce Wbhat Bwecomes Odf Locve Whbat Bewcomes Ofd Lovce Wgat Beccomes Loge Wghat Beomes Logve Whgat Beocmes Lovge
Wyat Befomes Lofe Wyhat Lofve Whyat Becfomes Lovfe Whaat Bexomes Lovee Wht Bexcomes Lov Whta Becxomes Love
Whzt Bevomes Lovs Whzat Bevcomes Lovse Whazt Becvomes Loves Whqt Bedomes Lov3 Whqat Lov3e Whaqt Becdomes Love3
Whst Becoomes Lovf Whsat Becmes Whast Becmoes Lovef Whwt Beckmes Lovr Whwat Beckomes Lovre Whawt Becokmes Lover
Whxt Bec9mes Lov4

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