M People
Drive Time

1 2 3 4.

We'll ride coast to coast in my holy ghost.
Chrome wheel, fuel injected, high on hope.
Soul engines cruisin' on down the road.
Wind down your glass and let your mind explode.
Hit my ignition rocket 88.
Freewheel all night, let's seal our fate.

[chorus 1]
'Cos it's drive time baby, drive me wild.
Mmm, it's drive time baby, be my wild child.

I ain't no backseat driver, my hands on the wheel.
I got no standard features, got speed appeal.
Red light, green light, hit the overdrive.
Foot down baby, make me feel alive.
White line high in my love express.
C'mon now drive me back to happiness.

[chorus1] [x2]

[chorus 2] [x2]
You drive me wild. You really drive me wild.
You drive me wild.
You drive me, drive me wild.

White line high. (Mmmm)
White line high. (Oh yeah)
White line high.
So get in the car and we'll drive to the stars
if it's a love in my arms, baby.

[chorus 2]

You drive me wild. You really drive me wild.
You drive me wild.

[chorus 1] [x2]

[chorus 2]

You drive me wild. You really drive me wild.
You drive me wild.

Drive on baby.
(You drive me wild. You really drive me wild)
(You drive me wild)
(You drive me, drive me wild)
Drive me. (You drive me wild)
Wilde. (You really drive me wild)
Drive me. (You drive me wild)
Yeah. (You got me driving wild)

Mirror lyrics:

Yeah. (You got me driving wild)
Drive me. (You drive me wild)
Wilde. (You really drive me wild)
Drive me. (You drive me wild)
(You drive me, drive me wild)
(You drive me wild)
(You drive me wild. You really drive me wild)
Drive on baby.

You drive me wild.
You drive me wild. You really drive me wild.

[chorus 2]

[chorus 1] [x2]

You drive me wild.
You drive me wild. You really drive me wild.

[chorus 2]

if it's a love in my arms, baby.
So get in the car and we'll drive to the stars
White line high.
White line high. (Oh yeah)
White line high. (Mmmm)

You drive me, drive me wild.
You drive me wild.
You drive me wild. You really drive me wild.
[chorus 2] [x2]

[chorus1] [x2]

C'mon now drive me back to happiness.
White line high in my love express.
Foot down baby, make me feel alive.
Red light, green light, hit the overdrive.
I got no standard features, got speed appeal.
I ain't no backseat driver, my hands on the wheel.

Mmm, it's drive time baby, be my wild child.
'Cos it's drive time baby, drive me wild.
[chorus 1]

Freewheel all night, let's seal our fate.
Hit my ignition rocket 88.
Wind down your glass and let your mind explode.
Soul engines cruisin' on down the road.
Chrome wheel, fuel injected, high on hope.
We'll ride coast to coast in my holy ghost.

1 2 3 4.

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Dfrive Thime rrive yime rDrive yTime Drrive Tyime crive 6ime cDrive 6Time Dcrive T6ime srive gime sDrive gTime Dsrive Tgime rime
Dive rTime Dirve Trime Ddive Tiime Ddrive Tme Drdive Tmie D4ive Tjme D4rive Tjime Dr4ive Tijme Dgive T9me Dgrive T9ime Drgive Ti9me
Dtive Tlme Dtrive Tlime Drtive Tilme D5ive Tome D5rive Toime Dr5ive Tiome Dfive Tkme Tkime Drfive Tikme Deive T8me T8ime
Dreive Ti8me Driive Tume Drve Tuime Drvie Tiume Drjve Timme Drjive Tie Drijve Tiem Dr9ve Tije

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