Lynyrd Skynyrd
Every Mother's Son

Lynyrd Skynyrd - Every mother's son

Well I've been ridin' a winning horse for a long, long time
Sometimes I wonder is this the end of the line
No one should take advantage of who they are
No man has got it made
If he thinks he does, he's wrong

Every mother's son better hear what I say
Every mother's son will rise and fall someday

I've seen it happen so many times, so many times before
Some man got so much money he doesn't worry no more
Or he's got such a pretty woman that'll treat him fine
Well my friend has been a fool
It happens everytime


I'm not tryin' to preach to no one, to no one at all
I've seen so many of my good friends just rise to fall
'Cause they got so much money or a woman so fine
Well my friends have all been fools, it happens every time


What I say

What I say
Oh, every mother's son will rise and fall someday

Mirror lyrics:

Oh, every mother's son will rise and fall someday
What I say

What I say


Well my friends have all been fools, it happens every time
'Cause they got so much money or a woman so fine
I've seen so many of my good friends just rise to fall
I'm not tryin' to preach to no one, to no one at all


It happens everytime
Well my friend has been a fool
Or he's got such a pretty woman that'll treat him fine
Some man got so much money he doesn't worry no more
I've seen it happen so many times, so many times before

Every mother's son will rise and fall someday
Every mother's son better hear what I say

If he thinks he does, he's wrong
No man has got it made
No one should take advantage of who they are
Sometimes I wonder is this the end of the line
Well I've been ridin' a winning horse for a long, long time

Lynyrd Skynyrd - Every mother's son

Relevant Tags:
EEvery MMother's SSon very other's on vEery oMther's oSn svery jother's zon sEvery jMother's zSon Esvery Mjother's Szon
3very kother's won 3Every kMother's wSon E3very Mkother's Swon fvery nother's don fEvery nMother's dSon Efvery Mnother's Sdon
rvery Moother's eon rEvery Mther's eSon Ervery Mtoher's Seon 4very Mkther's xon 4Every xSon E4very Mokther's Sxon
dvery M9ther's aon dEvery M9other's aSon Edvery Mo9ther's Saon wvery M0ther's Soon wEvery M0other's Sn Ewvery Mo0ther's Sno
Evvery Mlther's Skn Eery Mlother's Skon Eevry Molther's Sokn Ebery Mither's S9n Ebvery Miother's S9on Evbery Moither's So9n
Ecery Motther's S0n Ecvery Moher's S0on Evcery Mohter's So0n Egery Mofher's Sln Egvery Mofther's Slon Evgery Motfher's Soln
Efery Mo5her's Sin Mo5ther's Sion Evfery Mot5her's Soin Eveery Mohher's Sonn Evry Mohther's So Evrey Mothher's Son
Evsry Moyher's Som Evsery Moyther's Somn Evesry Motyher's Sonm Ev3ry Mo6her's Soh Ev3ery Mo6ther's Sohn Eve3ry Mot6her's Sonh
Evfry Mogher's Soj Mogther's Sojn Evefry Motgher's Sonj Evrry Morher's Sob Evrery Morther's Sobn Everry Motrher's Sonb
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