Lynn Anderson
Where Is All That Love You Talked About

(Glenn Sutton - Arthur Leo Owens - Gene Vowell)

The first time that you slipped your arms around me
You swore that it was love beyond the shadow of a doubt
I know your heart was filled with good attentions
But where is all that love you talked about?

Where is all the candle light, where are all the roses
Where are the arms you said I'd never be without
You left me here all by myself to wonder
Where is all that love you talked about?

--- Instrumental ---

You painted such a pretty picture for me
You said the love is one thing that I'd never be without
Well I guess I must have got the wrong impression
Cause where is all that love you talked about?

Where is all the candle light, where are all the roses
Where are the arms you said I'd never be without
You left me here all by myself to wonder
Where is all that love you talked about?

Just where is all that love you talked about?...

Mirror lyrics:

Just where is all that love you talked about?...

Where is all that love you talked about?
You left me here all by myself to wonder
Where are the arms you said I'd never be without
Where is all the candle light, where are all the roses

Cause where is all that love you talked about?
Well I guess I must have got the wrong impression
You said the love is one thing that I'd never be without
You painted such a pretty picture for me

--- Instrumental ---

Where is all that love you talked about?
You left me here all by myself to wonder
Where are the arms you said I'd never be without
Where is all the candle light, where are all the roses

But where is all that love you talked about?
I know your heart was filled with good attentions
You swore that it was love beyond the shadow of a doubt
The first time that you slipped your arms around me

(Glenn Sutton - Arthur Leo Owens - Gene Vowell)

Relevant Tags:
WWhere IIs AAll TThat LLove YYou TTalked AAbout here s ll hat ove ou alked bout hWere sI lAl hTat oLve oYu aTlked bAout
ahere js zll fhat kove gou falked zbout aWhere jIs zAll fThat kLove gYou fTalked zAbout Wahere Ijs Azll Tfhat Lkove Ygou Tfalked Azbout
3here 9s qll 5hat oove hou 5alked qbout 3Where 9Is qAll 5That oLove hYou 5Talked qAbout W3here I9s Aqll T5hat Loove Yhou T5alked Aqbout
dhere ls sll hhat pove 6ou halked sbout dWhere lIs sAll hThat pLove 6You hTalked sAbout Wdhere Ils Asll Thhat Lpove Y6ou Thalked Asbout
ehere os wll yhat uou yalked wbout eWhere oIs wAll yThat Lve uYou yTalked wAbout Wehere Ios Awll Tyhat Lvoe Yuou Tyalked Awbout
shere ks xll 6hat Lkve 7ou 6alked xbout sWhere kIs xAll 6That 7You 6Talked xAbout Wshere Iks Axll T6hat Lokve Y7ou T6alked Axbout
2here 8s Alll ghat L9ve jou galked Abbout 2Where 8Is Al gThat L9ove jYou gTalked Aout W2here I8s All Tghat Lo9ve Yjou Tgalked Aobut
qhere us Akl rhat L0ve tou ralked Avout qWhere uIs Akll rThat L0ove tYou rTalked Avbout Wqhere Ius Alkl Trhat Lo0ve Ytou Tralked Abvout
Whhere Iss Aol Llve Yoou Taalked Agout Were I Aoll Tat Llove Yu Tlked Agbout Wehre Is Alol Taht Lolve Yuo Tlaked Abgout
Wjere Iz Apl Tjat Live Yku Tzlked Anout Wjhere Izs Apll Tjhat Liove Ykou Tzalked Anbout Whjere Isz Alpl Thjat Loive Yoku Tazlked Abnout
Wuere Iw Tuat Lovve Y9u Tqlked Ahout Wuhere Iws Tuhat Loe Y9ou Tqalked Ahbout Whuere Isw Thuat Loev Yo9u Taqlked Abhout
Wnere Id Alk Tnat Lobe Y0u Tslked Aboout Wnhere Ids Tnhat Lobve Y0ou Tsalked Abut Whnere Isd Allk Thnat Lovbe Yo0u Taslked Abuot
Wbere Ie Alo Tbat Loce Ylu Twlked Abkut Wbhere Ies Tbhat Locve Ylou Twalked Abkout Whbere Ise Allo Thbat Lovce Yolu Tawlked Abokut
Wgere Ix Alp Tgat Loge Yiu Txlked Ab9ut Wghere Ixs Logve Yiou Txalked Ab9out Whgere Isx Allp Thgat Lovge Yoiu Taxlked Abo9ut
Wyere Ia Tyat Lofe Youu Tallked Ab0ut Wyhere Ias Lofve Yo Taked Ab0out Whyere Isa Thyat Lovfe You Takled Abo0ut
Wheere Thaat Lovee Yoh Takked Ablut Whre Tht Lov Yohu Taklked Ablout Whree Thta Love Youh Talkked Abolut
Whsre Thzt Lovs Yo7 Taoked Abiut Whsere Thzat Lovse Yo7u Taolked Abiout Whesre Thazt Loves You7 Taloked Aboiut
Wh3re Thqt Lov3 Yok Tapked Abouut Wh3ere Thqat Lov3e Taplked Abot Whe3re Thaqt Love3 Youk Talpked Abotu
Whfre Thst Lovf Yoi Aboht

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