Lynn Anderson
When You Say Love

(Jerry Foster - Bill Rice)

When you say love you're telling everyone your moment's come
And you've found what your heart's been looking for
When you say love you've said the only word that tells the world
You never will be lonely anymore.

You've got a pretty rainbow all your own
And at last you've found your pot of gold
You're completely satisfied
A feeling of contentment fills your soul.

When you say love it means you've found your special one
And that you care enough to give your very best
When you say love there's not another word that means so much
But that four-letter word means happiness.

Your heart has given wings to touch the sky
Higher than the eagle dares to fly
If you took everything you've heard
And tried to make a magic word
You'll find you've said it all when you say love.

When you say love it means you've found your special one
And that you care enough to give your very best
When you say love there's not another word that means so much
But that four-letter word means happiness.

Your heart has given wings to touch the sky
Higher than the eagle dares to fly
If you took everything you've heard
And tried to make a magic word
You'll find you've said it all when you say love.

You'll find you've said it all when you say love...

Mirror lyrics:

You'll find you've said it all when you say love...

You'll find you've said it all when you say love.
And tried to make a magic word
If you took everything you've heard
Higher than the eagle dares to fly
Your heart has given wings to touch the sky

But that four-letter word means happiness.
When you say love there's not another word that means so much
And that you care enough to give your very best
When you say love it means you've found your special one

You'll find you've said it all when you say love.
And tried to make a magic word
If you took everything you've heard
Higher than the eagle dares to fly
Your heart has given wings to touch the sky

But that four-letter word means happiness.
When you say love there's not another word that means so much
And that you care enough to give your very best
When you say love it means you've found your special one

A feeling of contentment fills your soul.
You're completely satisfied
And at last you've found your pot of gold
You've got a pretty rainbow all your own

You never will be lonely anymore.
When you say love you've said the only word that tells the world
And you've found what your heart's been looking for
When you say love you're telling everyone your moment's come

(Jerry Foster - Bill Rice)

Relevant Tags:
WWhen YYou SSay LLove hen ou ay ove hWen oYu aSy oLve ahen gou zay kove aWhen gYou zSay kLove Wahen Ygou Szay Lkove
3hen hou way oove 3When hYou wSay oLove W3hen Yhou Sway Loove dhen 6ou day pove dWhen 6You dSay pLove Wdhen Y6ou Sday Lpove
ehen uou eay eWhen uYou eSay Lve Wehen Yuou Seay Lvoe shen 7ou xay Lkve sWhen 7You xSay Wshen Y7ou Sxay Lokve
2hen jou aay L9ve 2When jYou aSay L9ove W2hen Yjou Saay Lo9ve qhen tou L0ve qWhen tYou Sy L0ove Wqhen Ytou Sya Lo0ve
Whhen Yoou Szy Llve Wen Yu Llove Wehn Yuo Sazy Lolve Wjen Yku Sqy Live Wjhen Ykou Sqay Liove Whjen Yoku Saqy Loive
Wuen Y9u Ssy Lovve Wuhen Y9ou Ssay Loe Whuen Yo9u Sasy Loev Wnen Y0u Swy Lobe Wnhen Y0ou Lobve Whnen Yo0u Sawy Lovbe
Wben Ylu Sxy Loce Wbhen Ylou Locve Whben Yolu Saxy Lovce Wgen Yiu Sayy Loge Wghen Yiou Sa Logve Whgen Yoiu Say Lovge

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