M People
Itchycoo Park

(If you reach on high - do it. If you reach on high) [x2]
(If you reach)

Over bridge of sighs,
to rest my eyes in shades of green
under dreaming spires
to Itchycoo Park. That's where I've been.
(What did you do there?)
I got high...
(What did you feel there?)
Well, I cried...
(But why the tears then?)
Tell you why...

It's all too beautiful! [x4]

I'll tell you what I'll do.
(What will you do?)
I'd like to go there now with you,
you can miss out school.
(Won't that be cool?)
Why go to hear the words of fools?
(What did you do there?)
I got high...
(What did you touch there?)
I touched the sky...
(But why the tears then?)
I'll tell you why...

It's all too beautiful! [x4]

(Beaty) [x10]

(Beatiful) [x3]
(-ful yeah)

I feel inclined to blow my mind,
get hung up, feed the ducks with a bun.
They all come out to groove about
be nice and have fun in the sun.

(Beatiful) [x3]

(What did you do there?)
I got high...
(What did you touch there?)
I touched the sky...
(But why the tears then?)
Tell you why...

(It's all too beautiful!) [x4]

It's all so beautiful. (It's all too beautiful!) [x4]

(so beautiful) Beautiful. [x4]

Yeah heah. [x3]

(It's all too beautiful!)
It's so beautiful, yeah.
(It's all too beautiful!)
It's beautiful.
(It's all too beautiful!)
Beautiful, yeah.
(It's all too beautiful!)

Beaty all around me.

Mirror lyrics:

Beaty all around me.

(It's all too beautiful!)
Beautiful, yeah.
(It's all too beautiful!)
It's beautiful.
(It's all too beautiful!)
It's so beautiful, yeah.
(It's all too beautiful!)

Yeah heah. [x3]

(so beautiful) Beautiful. [x4]

It's all so beautiful. (It's all too beautiful!) [x4]

(It's all too beautiful!) [x4]

Tell you why...
(But why the tears then?)
I touched the sky...
(What did you touch there?)
I got high...
(What did you do there?)

(Beatiful) [x3]

be nice and have fun in the sun.
They all come out to groove about
get hung up, feed the ducks with a bun.
I feel inclined to blow my mind,

(-ful yeah)
(Beatiful) [x3]

(Beaty) [x10]

It's all too beautiful! [x4]

I'll tell you why...
(But why the tears then?)
I touched the sky...
(What did you touch there?)
I got high...
(What did you do there?)
Why go to hear the words of fools?
(Won't that be cool?)
you can miss out school.
I'd like to go there now with you,
(What will you do?)
I'll tell you what I'll do.

It's all too beautiful! [x4]

Tell you why...
(But why the tears then?)
Well, I cried...
(What did you feel there?)
I got high...
(What did you do there?)
to Itchycoo Park. That's where I've been.
under dreaming spires
to rest my eyes in shades of green
Over bridge of sighs,

(If you reach)
(If you reach on high - do it. If you reach on high) [x2]

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IItchycoo PPark tchycoo ark tIchycoo aPrk jtchycoo 0ark jItchycoo 0Park Ijtchycoo P0ark 9tchycoo lark 9Itchycoo lPark I9tchycoo Plark
ltchycoo oark lItchycoo oPark Iltchycoo Poark otchycoo Paark oItchycoo Prk Iotchycoo Prak ktchycoo Pzrk kItchycoo Pzark Iktchycoo Pazrk
8tchycoo Pqrk 8Itchycoo Pqark I8tchycoo Paqrk utchycoo Psrk uItchycoo Psark Iutchycoo Pasrk Ittchycoo Pwrk Ichycoo Pwark Icthycoo Pawrk
Ifchycoo Pxrk Iftchycoo Pxark Itfchycoo Paxrk I5chycoo Parrk I5tchycoo Pak It5chycoo Pakr Ihchycoo Padk Ihtchycoo Padrk Ithchycoo Pardk
Iychycoo Pa4k Iytchycoo Pa4rk Itychycoo Par4k I6chycoo Pagk I6tchycoo Pagrk It6chycoo Pargk Igchycoo Patk Igtchycoo Patrk Itgchycoo Partk
Irchycoo Pa5k Irtchycoo Pa5rk Itrchycoo Par5k Itcchycoo Pafk Ithycoo Pafrk Ithcycoo Parfk Itfhycoo Paek Paerk Itcfhycoo Parek
Itxhycoo Parkk Itxchycoo Par Itcxhycoo Park Itvhycoo Parl Itvchycoo Parlk Itcvhycoo Parkl Itdhycoo Paro Itdchycoo Parok Itcdhycoo Parko
Itchhycoo Parm Itcycoo Parmk Itcyhcoo Parkm Itcjycoo Parj Itcjhycoo Parjk Itchjycoo Parkj Itcuycoo Pari Itcuhycoo Parik Itchuycoo Parki

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